Anonymous ID: 1cfe3a Sept. 5, 2018, 9:30 p.m. No.2898616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8662

Get a load of this from the Independant in the UK……..

Trump has fallen out with his military chiefs – and this is what it means for American security… Fuckin Woodward, wonder how much the CIA paid him,,,,,,,,,

There were reports in October last year that the former military commanders in the Trump administration – James Mattis, John Kelly and HR McMaster – had renewed their pact not to be abroad at the same time. At least one will stay behind, they had decided, as a check against the wilder actions of the president.


Ten months on, Lieutenant General McMaster has gone as national security adviser, General John Kelly has been sidelined and on his way out. The chief of staff, it is reported, now spends a lot of his working day in the gym and privately says he does not care if Trump gets impeached.


According to the latest revelations from the White House, contained in Bob Woodward’s new book, Fear: Trump in the White House, the general can’t wait to get out of “crazytown” and thinks the president is an “idiot” and “unhinged”.


General Mattis is now really the last man standing among the three who felt it was their patriotic duty to protect the nation from a president they have been viewing with increasing alarm.


Full story here: