Anonymous ID: 8e0b56 Sept. 5, 2018, 11:36 p.m. No.2899732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9774






This can be solved into 23 and 17.


C-3 =0 A-5= -4 S-4=13 D-1=3 E-2=3 L-4 =8 0 -4 13 3 3 8 =9 3 3 8= 23 President Trump


But it can also be looked at this way:


1-4 / 5-2 / 3-3 / 12-4 / 1-5 / 19-6

-3 / 3 / 0 / 8 / -4 / 13



The Capital letters SESSION DARK LIGHT.


And the jpg name FISA [20]


“A Week to Remember” links to many posts .. and Q posts pictures with “A2” “A3” and +/- 1, 2, 3


This relates possibly to post with [Clas-1,2,3] and [CLAS-5(6)] which has picture L1 and L2…


And [Remember] in the “A Week to [Remember]”.. clock looking back into past .. you remember the past.


I am not Serial Brain… nor am I his Voice..


So need some help and collective conscious to help decode.


Obvious meaning is “in fight between 23 and mirrored 32 (322 Skull & Bones), Sessions will come out of the Dark and into the Light” with FISA [20]. The 20 is 20 redacted pages, but it’s also the 20 names in the mid-year review (HRC email investigation). I believe this also corresponds with other Q posts showing 1 of 20 and 1-20.


There is the Q post :

D Morning sun brings heat.

Full Moon coming.

Undiscovered stars learned.

Missions Forward.



D morning sun - Mueller in the open, bringing the heat; focus of Dems in their hope.

Full Moon coming - Huber is in the shadows with Stealthy Jeff; the Boaz; the darkness becoming light.

Undiscovered Stars - illuminaries; Illuminati; 1000 points of light.


So Kav written questions are due sometime next week. Don’t know when they plan to hold the Cmte vote and then full senate vote. But I think we have a clock .. from the time of that DECLAS post to the release of FISA and possible announcement of indictments of the 20.