What will you do when you find it?
How will you use it?
A weapon to incinerate the darkness?
A healing salve to sooth the suffering?
Would you trade all the light of the sun just for a little more love?
What will you do when you find it?
How will you use it?
A weapon to incinerate the darkness?
A healing salve to sooth the suffering?
Would you trade all the light of the sun just for a little more love?
Funny things happen when gods share the dream.
What are the rules?
Do they change?
Who decides?
What is love? Baby don't hurt me
What is light?
Is it constant or variable?
Does it move or is movement a mirage?
Where does it come from & where does it go?
& What does it shine through?
& What is "material" & "mass" & "real"
What is movement & what is time?
What is knowledge & what is experience?
When does it end?
When is enough, enough?
So many questions, so little time.
Or maybe infinite.
One or the other or some other third thing.
some joke about moses parting the dirac sea
When you combine predictive analytics with a massive amount of spying & a massive amount of hardware (distributed or centralized) & stock market trading things get pretty unethical very quickly.
They always use cool new toys for dumb things.
Naughty children