Anonymous ID: abea0c Sept. 6, 2018, 12:59 a.m. No.2900308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0320 >>0337 >>0968 >>0995


there is something possibly sketchy going on( some of these pics are questionable as to age, that are being allowed)




and Bakers picture last bread, concernfags me, kek

I normally never complain( but seeing that and then these nudes)

Baker picture is putting a jew in the oven, ( just like the type of thing the shills post)

Anonymous ID: abea0c Sept. 6, 2018, 1:16 a.m. No.2900365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0373 >>0385

Trump's visitors! Four UFOs are spotted flying over US president's Scottish golf course

A golf fan shared a snap of the mysterious objects spotted at Trump's golf club

He said it was taken by his niece who was visiting Turnberry on August 16

When he looked at it closely, he noticed four 'strange disc shaped objects'

Four UFOs were spotted flying over US President Donald Trump's golf course in Scotland.


A golf fan shared a picture of the mysterious objects, seen in the sky above a Scottish flag at Trump's Turnberry club in Ayshire.


Alongside the snap on the UFO Stalker website, he revealed his niece had taken the picture from the balcony of the room at the luxury resort at around 8pm on August 16.

He said that she hadn't noticed anything unusual about the picture, but when he looked at it more closely, he spotted four 'strange disc shaped objects.'


'My niece was at Trump Turnberry golf course and took a picture of the golf course from the balcony of her room,' he wrote.

She emailed the picture because I like to play golf, and when I looked at it closely I saw four strange disc shaped objects in the background which she said she had not noticed when taking the picture.


'Can you help me identify these UFOs? Any ideas?

But one commenter was quick to dismiss the picture as nothing more than a trick of the light.


She suggested that the 'strange discs' were simply the 'reflections of indoor lighting fixtures.'


Trump wrapped up his four-day visit to Britain in July, which was dominated by his blasting of Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit strategy, by spending the weekend in Scotland.

Anonymous ID: abea0c Sept. 6, 2018, 1:22 a.m. No.2900385   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I posted the story because it involves Trump's golf course.


Did i say anything about aliens?



It is about strange things possibly flying around his golf course( think drone incident, SS death)


They could be drones flown by the cabal, and testing them maybe.

I do not think it is aliens at all,, but i do think it is possible Cabal Fuckery.