Anonymous ID: 105689 Sept. 6, 2018, 4:41 a.m. No.2901166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1172

>>2900341 Let these guys spy on your kids!


Also need some digging on this "student safety monitoring" service that is being used nationwide:


"Much More Than Filtering and Monitoring Students" - "We can help schools identify those students [who] make bad choices… then we can all sleep better knowing that our children are safe."


  • All student schoolwork and communication is done through GOOG or Micro$oft cloud accounts, and monitored by the third-party "Gaggle"

  • Every student email, document, photo, attachment, and chat message is analyzed by Gaggle AI

  • If students use their school email accounts on their personal social media accounts, those social media accounts are also surveiled

  • If students send any email from/to their school email address from/to their personal address, those emails are monitored also

  • Content that the AI marks for human review is viewed and rated by contractors, working from home on their personal computers, who are paid around minimum wage

  • Content considered to be wrong and escalated from AI to contractors to school officials (and even law enforcement) includes:

  • typing the words "ass", "damn" or "douchebag"

  • mentioning that you were vaping, or making plans to vape (even non-nicotine products)

  • possessing any fictional published book considered "erotic"

  • typing that someone else is "gay" as an insult

  • mentioning that you or any other student is depressed

  • typing anything that could be considered offensive about anyone else's breasts, butt, or bra

  • saying anyone is retarded


However, it is perfectly fine for any student of any age to have, and listen to, and quote any kind of violent, sexual, rap music with profanity. Because it is "legitimate published work".


Isn't this another type of spying, control, and data collection? "Data includes all personally identifiable information and other non-public information."

Gaggle says of course not! "Educators and attorneys will tell you that when your child is using school-provided technology, there should be no expectation of privacy.


Article: "Such rampant data mining is grooming students for a lifetime of surveillance.”