Anonymous ID: ba9faf Inverted Crosses Sept. 6, 2018, 4:45 a.m. No.2901190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1257 >>1315

Q's post about Hillary and Chelsea wearing upside down crosses caught my attention because of another thread talking about the Clintons and this Nazi Martin Sommer who liked crucifying concentration camp prisoners upside down.


A type of Roman Catholic cross is a Saint Peter's cross which is upside down. Saint Peter was crucified upside down by Nero 10 years after his ascension to the throne. On October 13th, 64. (Oct. 13th notable Satanic date, yes?)


Roman Catholics base the Pope's power to rule the church on their belief Jesus made Peter the first Pope out of his initial 12 apostles calling him the "Rock" (base, foundation) of the church.


The Roman Catholics are the only ones who believe this to be the case, though. The current Pope's a Jesuit, I think - not sure.


So, what if the whole Pope power thing is based on a Saint who denied Jesus thrice before being crucified upside-down?