Anonymous ID: 00e296 Sept. 6, 2018, 6:30 a.m. No.2901861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1875 >>1979 >>2424

>>2901715 (pb)

[responding to SkepticAnon who dismissed Kavanaugh's Jesuit loyalties as a non-issue]


I'm not tossing anything together, I'm evaluating one man based upon his own professed loyalties.


Consider that the Kennedy family was NOT Jesuit, nor was the pope during Kennedy's administration. Consider that Snopes' dismissal of concern over Kavanaugh's Jesuit training and loyalty is, well, Snopes' usual kitty litter over the truth.


Here's a site which discusses the oath and some history of Jesuit hijinx:


A brief except therefrom:

Later known as the ‘Jesuits,’ they were the military arm of the RCC. The Jesuit leader titled the Superior General, and his merry men were commissioned to undertake all kinds of enforcement jobs, such as assassinations, spreading propaganda, forgery, and theft all in the name of the Catholic Church, and at the behest of the Pope himself. Holy work, indeed!


Loyola put together a legion of highly trained soldiers whose unquestioning loyalty was to their superiors, no matter what they were directed to do. Their aim was to regain the riches and power the Papacy had lost to the Reformation. They were and still are virulently anti-Semitic, viewing the Jews as the people who ‘killed Jesus.’ They robbed the Jewish people at every opportunity and during WWII, assisted the Nazi’s in rounding up Jews for labor camps while confiscating Jewish gold and assets for the RCC.


Through the years, power struggles between the Jesuits and the Popes resulted in the assassination of several Superior Generals and Popes. Superior General Francis Borja secured additional power for the Jesuits by amending the Constitution of the Jesuit Military Order, giving the Superior General of the Jesuits power, second only to the Pope himself. Then in 1572, Borja secured from Pope Gregory XIII, the legal right for the Jesuits to deal in commerce and banking.


It was under the incredible power of this Constitution that the Superior General of the Jesuits began to be known as the ‘Black Pope.’ He is termed ‘black’ because of his covert, hidden activities, not his race. The Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the Knights of Malta, Royal Orders of Chivalry, High Shriner Freemasons and the Knights of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher, are all under the authority of the Superior General of the Jesuits. Reverend Father Adolfo Nicholas is the latest to be elected to this position, in 2006.


The Catholic Church’s response to the Reformation was the Council of Trent, which met in Trent, Italy for 25 sessions from 1545-1563. It condemned and cursed all doctrines of the Reformation, with the 4th session considered to be the most important. In it, the Jesuits condemned freedom of speech, freedom of the press and stated that no man had the right to choose his own religion, publish what he feels is truth and has no right to freedom of conscience. The Vatican wanted and still wants complete control over the individual.


Eric Jon Phelps, is the author of Vatican Assassins, which covers five centuries of the Jesuit-


Vatican connection to the unfolding New World Order agenda. He outlines all aspects of global control by the Jesuits, dating back to 1540, and links every major global conflict and political assassination, including Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy, to the Jesuit Order.


He reports that the Jesuit Superior General, as well as the other High Jesuit Generals, are sorcerers who worship lucifer. They do not believe in satan, but see lucifer as the angel of light and the true ruler of this earth, which he presently is. They hold black masses in the Vatican’s underground chambers which includes satanic ritual abuse and sacrifice of children. Much of this has been documented by adult survivors of this abuse.




Since this rolled over into the next bread, I'll repeat this sauce herein:

>>2901657 (pb)



and several other sources, some with the transcript.


[To the SkepticAnon who dismissed the Pope's ecommunication as a non-issue]


Ask yourself, IF the pope were not a member of the EO Church, then why would the Patriarch bother to excommunicate him? And why would it be reported as a big deal?


I really think you ought to learn a few more facts.

Anonymous ID: 00e296 Sept. 6, 2018, 6:36 a.m. No.2901903   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1964 >>2103


Kavanaugh is on the BOARD OF DIRECTORS for his childhood Jesuit school. You don't think that those who control the training of young Jesuits take the Oath? I challenge you to prove that point with sauce.

Anonymous ID: 00e296 Sept. 6, 2018, 6:42 a.m. No.2901977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2029


Not scared, just indignant. We the People have the right to be secure in our persons, papers and effects/property.


The government has gradually insinuated itself into our homes and private lives via abuse of technology. That's wrong, and it's GOT to stop if Trump plans to keep his promise, repeated many times, to return the power BACK to the people.

Anonymous ID: 00e296 Sept. 6, 2018, 7:03 a.m. No.2902202   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My failed perception indicates it's time for sleep for me (been up since yesterday).

Thanks for sharing the 5eyes stuff, but I had read some of that yesterday. night.