Blumenthal has such an annoying voice. Now moving to adjourn long enough to obtain then review yet more documents before voting.
I hope he gets slapped down like the insect he is.
Blumenthal has such an annoying voice. Now moving to adjourn long enough to obtain then review yet more documents before voting.
I hope he gets slapped down like the insect he is.
Post size limits are going to constrain an answer to this past the point of practicality, unfortunately
The nostril-spread in the last one, kek
Stewart Varney on Fox Business is better than 85% of their other on-air talent.
The excessively-peppy ones get on my nerves, especially before lunchtime.
No one actively involved in consuming caffeine wants to hear from you. It's not personal; it's morning, and unless there's some emergency, it's only decent to be quiet.
Right. Talk to Asia and India about the amount of garbage they dump into the oceans, then get back to us.
One of the first things I thought of when I woke up today was Sara Carter's #1 news item yesterday.
I thought POTUS might drop the declassified FISA docs last night (admittedly a long shot), but it's Thursday, so I'm all geared up for a happening today.
Can you feel it, anons?