Ridic ID: 9fa2c4 Offshore drikling Sept. 6, 2018, 7:28 a.m. No.2902456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2471 >>2486 >>2500

Why is the president ordering to open offshore drilling? Do you know if the horrific catastrophes happening with this? This isn’t about obama, this is about being KIND. Billions of dollars is more important than being kind to your planet therefore poodle who care for it? THIS IS WHY MANY WILL NOT VOTE REPUBLICAN. I understand the fight beeteeen good and evil but offshore drilling is an act of evil. Makes me DOUBT everything about Q. Half the population opposes offshore drilling that causes DEVASTATION.

Q: really?

So bring down the deep state burn keeo part of the deep water alive? We are asking you for help but you are not listening, I used to be a liberal and I know how passionate people are about the planet, HELP US FOR GOD SAKES! I’m starting to doubt this whole thing.


RYAN ZINKE IS A HEARTLESS SOCIOPATH everyone who cares about the their planet know this. If money is that important, then what makes outnumbered president any different than the deep state?

People won’t even give Trump a chance to see any material until his administration Zinke SHOWS COMPASSION. ITS ALL PEOPLE ARE ASKJNG FOR. ZInke lifting bans of bringing elephant and lions body parts is a disgrace. And by picking a man like this THE TRUMP HATE SPREADS. People are going to see this as FUKL OF SHIT no matter what you disclose. They are not listening. Oh nice! They arrested such and such thousands 51,000 but who cares about the planet right?


You get my point?

GET ON THE DEMOCRAT PEOPLE MINDSET TOO! Zinke is Soreading evil because for him killing elephants and lion is COOL. What kind of sick game is this???


I’m not a shill neither a clown. I am sure with your technology you know this by now I’m a big Trump supporter and defender and love the change but if is affecting the planet we are still on the same RABBIT HOLE = OFFSHORE DRILLING/KILLING ELEPHANT AND LIONS with the conservation exude which POTUS OPPOSES.


Come on

Thank you.

We demand this to not happen. Why is this so hard to do? TO BE “KINDNESS”