I spent most of yesterday trying to debunk Q.
I wanted to see what Anons had to say and what I could figure out. By the end of the day, I was defending Q to others that were in the room trash talking. The difference being I was trying to pose questions and offer different avenues and paths.
Shills just come in with "any arrests yet?"
I'm not a fan of how biased I've become toward Q. So yesterday felt necessary to give me a balance. That being said,
One more note. We all piss each other off here. We get on each others nerves, we throw out the KYS far too often (damn it feels good during a response though kek), we shit on each other, we compliment each other, we are a family. Again. Balance was needed. If you spend you days dedicated HERE, you start to judge the Anons and what you are exposed to. So for the first time since being President of the United States, I actually took the time to read the user comments on Twitter after POTUS wrote, "Treason!".
Those comments made me lose the hope I had for normies, but at the same time, made me realize how awesome everyone here is. Sorry for being a prick.