(((▪EXPOSED: Real Author of NYT Anonymous Op-Ed GS-15 CIA Analyst▪)))
Global Intel Hub (Zero Hedge Exclusive)
Yesterday a bombshell 'op-ed' by the CIA conTROLLED "New York Times" was published, supposedly from an 'anonymous' source in the Trump Administration, leaving readers wondering who could it be?
We have an idea of who it's not, so before identifying who it could be, let's brief ourselves on the history here. As we explain in Splitting Pennies - the world is not as it seems. The CIA is the most active agency fighting the information war but it is by no means the only one. But it is their likely craftwork here, as the NYT and Wapo are their go-to sources for 'public' information disclosures for the last 50 years at least. Take a look at this interesting revelation from the previous administration, and remember these deep state operatives are mostly still working in their same jobs, but under a President who they want to depose:
Thanks to prior disclosures from Judicial Watch of documents it obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, this is old news. (((That's what the Obama administration chronically did: it manipulates secrecy powers to prevent accountability in a court of law, while leaking at will about the same programs in order to glorify the president.)))
(((But what is news in this disclosure are the newly released emails between Mark Mazzetti, the New York Times's national security and intelligence reporter, and CIA spokeswoman Marie Harf.)))
The second point to understand, the CIA has a well funded well trained team that topples foreign leaders. Guys, this isn't easy. If anyone thinks what they do is easy, you have never been in a military operation. One mistake can foil an operation. And there have been lots of failures. Failures can mean people are killed. This is really serious business! The funding, the training, the resources that go into it - rack up in the tens of billions of dollars. America's best and brightest. Guys with high IQs and training. Here are '7 Governments the US has overthrown' -
The legacy of covert U.S. involvement in the seven successful coups below (not to mention a number of U.S. military interventions against hostile regimes and U.S.-supported insurgencies and failed assassination attempts, including a plan to kill Fidel Castro with an exploding cigar), has made the secret hand of the United States a convenient bogeyman in today’s political tensions.
Even now, despite waning U.S. influence in Cairo, conspiracy theories suggesting that both the (((Muslim Brotherhood and the military-backed government are in cahoots with the United States abound in Egypt.)))
That's just who we know about, based on historical declassified documents. It doesn't mention recent events in Ukraine for example, and other 'client states' - but it's enough to paint the picture of the working model of the CIA and the group who is trained and tasked to do this.
(((The scary thing, this group has turned domestically. For the first time ever, starting from the time when Trump first won the Republican nomination, this 'coup group' has been tasked to topple Trump - a real flagrant violation. There is no higher crime, than treason.)))
Of course, they have more than plausible deniability, as they already operate under legal secrecy, using anonymous identities, false names, dummy corporations, and a global infrastructure setup at a cost of tens of millions of dollars to mask their identities (which was setup for the purpose of regime change in non-US friendly countries).
Fortunately, for Trump, he is actually their boss, so it will be possible for him, if he really wants to drain the swamp as he claims, to smoke the rats and gophers out of the rat holes. Obviously this…cont.