Anonymous ID: b0258a Sept. 6, 2018, 7:03 a.m. No.2902200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2243

>>2898826, >>2898874 (pb)


I swear you faggots are as bad as the leftists. Somebody calls you out for posting bullshit and you try to shout them down and call them shills.


The only people here talking shit about freemasonry are the ones who have never been masons.


I bet if some non-veteran comes in and starts saying a bunch of false shit about what goes on in the military because they "used to collect military texts" you veteranfags would be all over them.


Apparently you can be an expert on masons without ever joining though. Fucking idiots.


And if it's THAT bad, maybe you fags should join lodges and start taking direct action to dismantle the organization from within. As far as I know, Q hasn't prohibited anyone from joining a lodge or stated a specific intention to destroy masonry.


But you won't do that because you're afraid you'll have to rape a goat or whatever you believe is going to happen during an initiation. You're literally walked around the room blindfolded, repeat an oath, get blindfold removed, learn how your rank wears the apron, watch a sideshow and leave. Then it's boring ass meetings and fundraisers for the rest of your time in the blue lodge.


Oh and you have to profess a faith in some monotheistic system. Guy who led me around whispered "in God" in my ear when they asked what I placed my trust in. I was told later that God is the most common response but Allah or whatever else is acceptable as long as you believe in a single higher power.


One of you mason bashers should try joining a lodge and saying "in Satan" just to see what the response is. LOL.


But again, you non-masons are too afraid to try because you think you'll get strapped into the chair from A Clockwork Orange.


Ok. Now that I've given you actual firsthand information of the initiation ceremony, go ahead and start up the "You're a shill/all masons worship Satan" crap.