*Citation needed
I generally think the type of protesting where U chant the same meaningless phrase over and over to drown people out is retarded.
But I hope some anons will join me, when the Haiti stuff comes out and implicates certain congressman and women, just repeatedly shouting “Shame! Shame! Shame!” At them. Gonna be fun as hell.
“It was less than 24 hours since John McCain was put to death…”
Reccomend watching the 2 mins before for context, he literally says “what happens to a dangerous animal when pressed too far..”
This is on Chris Cuomos Twitter
Can someone rehash this a lil bit for an OldFag? If RR is removed within 210 days, Sessions can appoint anyone without confirmation from congress. But after that, he needs approval? So if RR leaves in the morning and [TRUST NAME] is appointed that afternoon, there’s not time for media attack or countermeasures?