Anonymous ID: 3e86a9 Sept. 6, 2018, 10:11 a.m. No.2904414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4596 >>4784

The Truth Comes Out: Trump Campaign Worker Papadopoulos Was Set Up by Deep State And Then Mueller Used It to Indict Him


George Papadopoulos was a Trump campaign unknown who was indicted by the Mueller team and who later pled guilty to lying to the FBI. Now we know he was set up by a CIA/FBI spy and this set up was then used to indict him.


George Papadopoulos was a young American from the Midwest who wanted to be in politics. He worked his way into the Trump campaign in early 2016. After that, his life was flipped upside down.


After connecting with the Trump campaign, Papadopoulos was contacted by numerous individuals within the Deep State whose efforts were to align young George with Russia. Stefan Halper and Joseph Mifsud were two individuals who met Papadopoulos in the UK and who in turn told him that the Russians had some dirt on Hillary Clinton. This information was then used against Papadopoulos as he was eventually charged for lying about it to the corrupt Mueller gang. Halper and Mifsud remain free as they are connected to the Deep State FBI, DOJ and CIA. It was all a set up.


This week documents from Papadopoulos’s indictment were released. They show a sleazy effort by the Deep State to hold the young man to information that only the Deep State knew, because they were spying on him and used him as a tool they could easily set up.


Techno Fog outlines the Mueller team’s crooked work in a series of tweets –



Anonymous ID: 3e86a9 Sept. 6, 2018, 10:14 a.m. No.2904440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4461

Psychic Nikki Haley: If There Is A Future Chemical Weapons Attack, Assad Did It


UN Ambassador and Clairvoyant Prognosticator of the Transmundane Nikki Haley has foreseen that, if there are any future chemical weapons attacks in the Syrian province of Idlib, it will most definitely be the Syrian government that is responsible and not the multiple terrorist factions in the area.


“If they want to continue to go the route of taking over Syria, they can do that,” said Nikki Haley at a UN press conference today, without explaining how a nation’s only recognized government can ‘take over’ the country it governs.


“But they cannot do it with chemical weapons. They can’t do it assaulting their people. And we’re not gonna fall for it. If there are chemical weapons that are used, we know exactly who’s gonna use them.”

Anonymous ID: 3e86a9 Sept. 6, 2018, 10:16 a.m. No.2904463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4525 >>4610 >>4623 >>4638

LIVE FEED: ‘Active shooter’: Multiple people shot at Fifth Third Downtown


Multiple people have been shot in what dispatch called an “active shooter” situation in Downtown Cincinnati at the Fountain Square Fifth Third location.


The scene was announced as secure at about 9:15 a.m., but there are multiple victims in the area of 511 Walnut Street


One victim was located at 5th and Walnut streets, according to police.


Another victim was located inside the nearby Graeter’s ice cream shop.


A witness to the shooting said there were at least three people injured in the shooting.

Anonymous ID: 3e86a9 Sept. 6, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.2904554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4576

German Interior Minister ‘Would Have Joined’ Chemnitz Protests, Says Mass Migration ‘Mother of All Problems’


The German interior minister believes mass migration has become “the mother of all political problems” for the EU country, while Angela Merkel is describing the third world influx merely as a “challenge” and slamming protests against alleged killer migrants as “hate”.


Asked about the decline in popularity of Chancellor Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party and his related Christian Social Union (CSU) party, Horst Seehofer said Merkel’s decision to throw Germany’s borders open was a major driver behind the growth of the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD).


“For the first time, we have a party to the right of the Union that could establish itself in the medium term amidst a divided country,” he told the Rheinische Post, as polls show the AfD now in second place behind the CDU/CSU bloc.


The eurosceptic AfD’s dramatic ascent is “not only” down to voter concern over mass migration, said Seehofer, “but the migration issue is the mother of all political problems in this country. I have been saying this for three years. And this is confirmed by many surveys.”


Speaking of events in Chemnitz, where the murder of 35-year-old German-Cuban Daniel Hillig, allegedly at the hands of asylum seekers, prompted large-scale demonstrations against migration policy in Germany, the CSU heavyweight said he understood the “outrage” felt following the “brutal homicide”.


“Were I not a minister, I too would have taken to the streets as a citizen — of course not with any of the radicals,” Seehofer stated, before stressing that authorities should show “zero tolerance” to individuals who “incite violence” or perform “Hitler salutes”.


Responding to the question of whether there was anything the government could have done to prevent Hillig’s death, Seehofer — who has taken a much tougher line on illegal migration than the Chancellor — noted one of the suspects had two prior criminal convictions, asserting he should never have been allowed to enter having already sought asylum in Bulgaria before entering Germany.

Anonymous ID: 3e86a9 Sept. 6, 2018, 10:25 a.m. No.2904582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4784

UK accusation of Russians in Skripal case ‘cocktail of lies’ timed with Idlib false flag op – Moscow


Russia has denied allegations that its military intelligence officers were behind the Skripal poisoning in Britain and suggested that the UK government timed its accusations to a potential upcoming false flag attack in Syria.


On Thursday, the UK gave an update to the UN Security Council on its investigation of the poisoning attack on former double agent Sergei Skripal in Salisbury in May. Karen Pierce, the British representative to the UN, summed up the statements given on the previous days by the British investigators and Prime Minister Theresa May on the case. She reiterated the claim that the two suspects in the case were officers of the GRU, Russia’s military intelligence agency, based on classified intelligence available to the British government.


Her Russian counterpart, Vasily Nebenzya, called the allegations “a cocktail of lies” and denied any involvement of the Russian state in the Skripal saga. The Russian diplomat said the promised breakthrough in the case turned out to be disappointing for Russia and simply followed a pattern of baseless accusations against Moscow by the British side.


He said the British site itself stated that the two suspects most likely used aliases when entering Britain, which begs the question why they were called Russian nationals, yet alone agents of the Russian government. The British authorities, he added, refused to hand over to Russia the information they have on the suspects, including their fingerprints, which they must have provided to get a visa. The fingerprints, obviously, would have made identifying those individuals much easier, Nebenzya said, adding that apparently London is not interested in finding out who the suspects are.


“We have a joke in Russia about a ‘Joe-never-caught’, called so because nobody is trying to catch him. It seems that what we have been offered is two Joes-never-caught,” the diplomat said.


Nebenzya said there were several apparent inconsistencies in the narrative of the British side. For instance, he said, the suspects were spotted on CCTV footage on March 4 at midday while the Skripals reportedly left home in the early morning. He also reiterated that the accusations against Russia fail to explain why the Russian state would want to kill Sergei Skripal or chose such a bizarre method of assassination.


Theresa May has said on Wednesday that the poisoning of former Russian Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in March was ordered at a "senior level" of the Russian government. She said that the suspects, named as 'Alexander Petrov' and 'Ruslan Boshirov', are members of the GRU, Russia’s military intelligence service, and that the poisoning was not a “rogue operation."

Anonymous ID: 3e86a9 Sept. 6, 2018, 10:28 a.m. No.2904615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4642 >>4693 >>4711 >>4784

Denials Roll In From Top Admin Officials On Op-Ed


Multiple top officials in the Trump administration are denying being the author of a recent anonymous New York Times op-ed disparaging the president.


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, Secretary of Homeland Security Kirsten Nielsen, Secretary of Defense James Mattis, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson and Vice President Mike Pence have all denied authorship on the record.


“It may be cold comfort in this chaotic era, but Americans should know that there are adults in the room. We fully recognize what is happening. And we are trying to do what’s right even when Donald Trump won’t,” the anonymous official said.


The official described a cabal of administration officials actively circumventing the president’s daily desires. The op-ed comes just as excerpts from Bob Woodward’s new book on the administration are being released, showing a similar culture among senior aides who do not think highly of the president and work to temper his behavior.


Vice Presidential communications director Jarrod Agen said on twitter amid speculation that it was his office, “The Vice President puts his name on his Op-Eds. The [nytimes] should be ashamed and so should the person who wrote the false, illogical, and gutless op-ed. Our office is above such amateur acts.”


“It’s not mine,” Pompeo said while on a visit to India, adding “it shouldn’t surprise anyone that The New York Times, a liberal newspaper that has attacked this administration relentlessly, chose to print such a piece.”


“Speculation that The New York Times op-ed was written by me or my Principal Deputy is patently false. We did not,” Coats said.


A spokesperson for Nielsen issued a similar statement, saying, “Secretary Nielsen is focused on leading the men and women of DHS and protecting the homeland – not writing anonymous and false opinion pieces for the New York Times.”


Chief Pentagon Spokesperson Dana White denied Mattis’s authorship of the op-ed to reporters Thursday saying “it was not his op-ed.”

Anonymous ID: 3e86a9 Sept. 6, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.2904651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4784

Ex-General Complains That Israel Hits Syria 'Every Time' Army Strikes Terrorists==


This week, Damascus accused Israel of missile strikes in the country's Hama and Tartus provinces, with the attacks leaving at least one dead and 12 injured, and destroying infrastructure and military equipment.


Retired Syrian Major General Yahya Suleiman said he thought Tuesday's attacks were carried out in the interests of Israel's US allies, which had "expressed concerns" about the Syrian Army operation to liberate the province of Idlib from a motley mix of militants, including jihadist extremists.


"This was not the first strike of this kind," Suleiman told Sputnik Arabic. "Every time the army prepares an operation against the armed groups, Israel attacks. The last time this took place was ahead of the army's offensive in the country's south," he recalled.


Suleiman believes that Tel Aviv is becoming increasingly nervous because Syrian forces have regained control of most of the territory near the Syrian-Israeli border, and is hence hitting Damascus with such "warning blows." But the army will continue its operations to free the country of terrorists, he stressed.


As for Israel's justification for the attacks, including the alleged presence of Iranian regular forces in Syria, Major General Suleiman said this was only a pretext.


"Based on the information at my disposal and using simple logic, I am telling you that there are no Iranian military forces on the territory of the Syrian Republic, only unarmed military advisers," he said. "This is normal practice, given the cooperation agreements which exist between our two countries. The Iranians are not fighting in Syria, they are helping us. If there were Iranian military units in Syria, we would have declared this to be the case. After all, there is nothing objectionable about this," he added.


On September 4, the Syrian Arab News Agency reported that Syrian air defenses had repulsed an Israeli attack, shooting down five missiles in Hama province. Several explosions were also reported, with Syrian medics reporting that one person had been killed and several others injured.


Israel and Syria have formally remained in a state of war since 1973. However, direct clashes have remained rare until the start of the foreign-backed civil war in the Arab Republic. This week, Israeli Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz admitted that Israel had attacked targets in Syria over 200 times in recent years.



Anonymous ID: 3e86a9 Sept. 6, 2018, 10:34 a.m. No.2904692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4717

'Israel is a racist endeavour’: Police investigate posters scattered around London


Police are investigating London bus stop posters reading ‘Israel is a racist endeavour,’ believed to be a response to Labour's decision to adopt the full International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism.


The large signs have been stuck on at least four bus stops, including Westminster, Waterloo and Bloomsbury. The Metropolitan police posted a tweet saying the posters had been spotted in Lambeth and that officials were investigating reports of fly-posting. They said the “offensive material will be removed.”


It comes after the much-fraught decision by the Labour party to adopt the full International IHRA definition of anti-Semitism. The posters are likely a mockery of one of the definition’s 11 examples, whereby “claiming the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavour” equates to anti-Semitism.


A Transport for London (TfL) spokesperson said it “absolutely didn’t authorize” the posters, and that the protest amounts to “fly posting and therefore an act of vandalism.” The posters will be “immediately” removed, TfL added. The posters also appeared on social media after they were shared by the London Palestine Action (LPA) group, although it remains unclear who is directly responsible for the protest.


LPA tweeted the pictures of the bold black and white posters with captions saying Palestinians’ rights have been “denied entirely on ethnicity”.


Labour has been split over whether to adopt the IHRA’s full definition, as those opposing it said it conflated anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism and stifled criticism of Israel's policies targeting Palestinians.


But following long-running claims of anti-Semitism within its ranks, Labour voted overwhelmingly in favor of adopting the full definition. However it included a “freedom of expression” clause on Israel and the rights of Palestinians.


Before Tuesday’s decision, the party had adopted the IHRA definition minus four examples, including comparing Israeli policies to those of the Nazis.