Concerned citizen ID: 40953d Sept. 6, 2018, 10:13 a.m. No.2904437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4456 >>4474 >>4507 >>4580

Q thank you for what you are doing, and the president is doing is an incredible job, but in my opinion there is still horrifying things being done unless I’m not getting something: “offshore drilling” which causes major devastation to the creatures and our oceans isn’t being worked on - but added on to the corruption. Who wins? American people? The republican people.


These are causes that must be looked upon. I’m all for the great work you guys are doing but when it comes to hurting the planet when sonmuch can be done to get the other side on this side, isn’t being done. Nobody wants to see “only save the humans and F-CK the species”, this is why I’m independent and supporter of Trump but not a republican: I despise those acts of corruption for the thirst of blood money.


I was a liberal and I know the mindset, this is about UNITING? So why are Trophy Hunters that love to hunt families of majestic creatures such as elephants or extinct species heads of the DOI? This is CORRUPTION.


I agree with everything you guys do, it’s genius, but why aren’t these issues being addressed and ignored? As if the planet doesn’t matter. Explain to us how is the planet going to be ok by drilling and spilling oil? People kill for money, is this the side we are in? Who matters? There has to be another way to make these billions, this is in my opinion and the American people who are liberals AWFUL.


If we are in the great awakening, then let it be FULL by awakening BOTH SIDES, republicans to have more compassion towards the planet/creatures (many are) and liberals to understand how the cabal is being brought down.


How can the liberals even give the president a chance if people like DOI Ryan Zinke are in a position of “yes to trophy hunting and yes to opening shores for oil drilling” ALL THE WAY. Donald Trump needs to listen to this cause. People are very upset.


I know that in some states have imposed bans on this issue, which is great news, yet if we are to be awakened, we have to work with KINDNESS, showing KINDNESS FOR THE LIBERALS TOO THAT ARE VERY HURT BY THESE ACTS, get them on your side by showing COMPASSION to the planet.


What am I not getting?


Imagine publicly POTUS says no offshore drilling, or wven better PICK a team in the DOI where you have a mix of people to do or undo bans, instead of only trophy hunters and oil thirsty people, then there will be a lot more support. People will start to WAKE UP.


Any liberal you talk to, this is what they focus on. Q intel i hope you are reading this, I am a concerned citizen, something needs to be done. Oil spills are horrible, I know POTUS works in mysterious ways but convince the population that he’s not them, I am convinced but this whole thing about the trophy hunting undoing of bans to bring their body parts here from Africa and oil drilling offshore is simply HORRIBLE.


Where is our kindness?


I am mostly a supporter of the President but this whole thing about offshore drilling has to come to an end, people don’t want to see oceans dirty, the devastation is heart breaking, makes people not even want to give a chance to the right, this is the new age and a great awakening, maybe both sides need awakening. REPUBLICANS NEED TO SHOW THE LIBERALS THAT THEY ARE NOT CRUEL.


As far as I know the offshore drilling ban cannot be undone, maybe if taken to court? Im not too educated with this. Please help us.


But I really hope the president has a major plan regarding this issue that will make people LOVE HIM for he’s on the kindness side, he’s bringing down a huge cabal, offshore driller and trophy hunters devastatingly killing elephants and lions and extinct species “are a cabal”, there is no peace there, neither KINDNESS, nor awakening, there are ways to help those countries and is not by giving the example that the USA is cruel to animals and nature. This issue has to be addressed seriously.


I lean more towards republicans and I love the planet Earth and the animals in it, this is why I’m an independent thinker. Welcome to the great awakening. It’s about being UNITED right?


If we want the liberals on this side, let’s start by understanding their passions, a lot is being done yes big people going down, I’m all for it, horrific things they’ve done to the children, and humans, I’m grateful for you guys, I’m grateful for God sent presidnetnTrump, but let’s not forget that our innocent species also matter.


It feels alsmost as if they are traitors of the president. Bringing down the cabal means bringing down all of it…

Thank you and God bless you guys.