Anonymous ID: ee305b Sept. 6, 2018, 10:09 a.m. No.2904374   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4405 >>4648

>>2903509 (lb)

>>2903479 (lb)

My breakdown, for what it's worth.

This looks to be a prophesy re: Revelations


>It will happen when the weather cools

Winter=Some eschatological (end-times) scholars believe that the Third Temple will be erected in winter.


>That’s when they’ll make their move.

The abomination of desolation. When [They] will erect an image of the “Anti-Christ” w/in the Temple or, the “Anti-Christ” sits within the “Holy of Holies” (the inner sanctum of the Temple, and the seat of God on Earth) and proclaims itself to be the Returned Messiah.


>The plans laid long ago, before the foundation of America, and older still, will come to fruition.

It was tried in the time of Caligula. Then Caesar Caligula instructed the Governor of Jerusalem to erect an image of him (Caligula) w/in the Holy of Holies (of the Second Temple) but the Governor knew that this would cause a revolt so he refused. Caligula hearing this ordered the Governor’s execution. Before the order reached Jerusalem Caligula died. News of his death reached Jerusalem before the execution order and the Second Temple was destroyed shortly thereafter so that it could not happen. God IS great.


>They’re trying to force God’s hand.

There are certain events that must occur prior to the return of the true Messiah. [They] want to force his coming before all those that can be saved are saved. The Adversary knows that he is destined to burn in Hell for eternity and he wants to take as many of God’s children with him as he can. That is why it is so foolish to pledge yourself to the Adversary, all he wants is our deaths.


>Watch for these signs:

There are many signs that indicate when we enter the season of Revelations, no man will know the hour nor the day but God loves us so that he has provided signposts so that we can prepare.


>Three branches become one

This could be a unification of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim religions. This is foretold but I can’t cite verse because I’m new to this myself.


>The island will drift away.



>A killing bolt will shine in the night sky but will not kill.

Meteor(ite), orbital weapon…?


>The star will gorge itself on clay.

“The star” could be Lucifer and clay could be humanity. My personal theory is that clay represents Man as Adam was formed from dust and our bodies are mostly water, dust+water=clay. Which ties into my theory of the Nebakanezer’s dream of the statue and the rock striking the feet made of clay and iron.


>Idols will speak and move about.

Thou shall not make graven images of the things of the Heavens, beneath the Earth, or the sea. Basically idols of the lessor elohim (heavenly beings) that were assigned to rule the nations that Psalms 82 and a few other passages allude to. Some scholars believe that the Idols of old were used by the elohim to interact with their worshipers.


>The black flag will floy above the dome.

ISIS flag flying above the Dome of the Rock (the mosque on the Temple Mount).


>The belly of the dragon will drip water

One of the beasts written about in Revelations will come from the sea.


>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.

The Two Witnesses. Some think these will be Moses and Elijah or maybe Enoch. Others think it is the two Churches, true believing Christians and Jews because of the reference to the two olive trees and two lamp stands. I make no claims.


>A rock will stand on seven hills

The return of Jesus Christ, Yeshua ha Mashiach to Jerusalem. Jerusalem has seven mountains or hills depending on your definition. It’s not Rome nor D.C., while both apparently have seven hills Jerusalem is God’s city and the center of his Kingdom on Earth.


>The ravens will starve.

Best guess the ravens represent the unbelievers or maybe the willing servants of the Adversary.


>The bear will leave it’s cave forever.

Dunno, one respondent in the last bread thought California maybe could be Russia.


>The rod and the ring will strike.

Jesus returns wielding an iron rod to impose judgment upon the wicked. The ring could represent the Anti-Christ?


I’m a new believer, take what I present with a grain of salt.