Anonymous ID: 265dc7 Sept. 6, 2018, 11:59 a.m. No.2905719   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No worries Anon. Seems NOTABLE to me with this sauce. Thank you. Wasn't aware of this. I'm sure many aren't.




Trust Kansas~

Anonymous ID: 265dc7 Sept. 6, 2018, 12:08 p.m. No.2905851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6127

I think this is NOTABLE



A new symbol of elite access: e-mail to Obama


Anthony Lake served as one of Barack Obama’s principal counselors on foreign affairs during the campaign and exchanged e-mail messages with him regularly. But now that Obama is president,Lake no longer has his e-mail address. “No,” he said when asked if he had it. “Did. Don’t.”


Neither does Nancy Pelosi,the speaker of the House,nor Steny H Hoyer,the majority leader,but they do not use e-mail much anyway. Mitch McConnell,the Senate Republican leader,is a BlackBerry fiend,but he does not have Obama’s address. Nor do many members of the cabinet,including Defence Secretary Robert M Gates.


Vice President Joseph R Biden Jr has it,along with his own new super-secret BlackBerry and e-mail address. So do Obama’s chief of staff,his top advisers and some of his oldest friends from Chicago.


It is now the ultimate status symbol in a town obsessed by status. Obama was spotted last week trying out his new BlackBerry — or actually a more sophisticated,encrypted variation — and aides say that he uses a computer in the study next to the Oval Office but that he has agreed to limit the number of people he would exchange e-mail with. In the process,he created a new measure for Washington to judge who really has the ear,or the thumb,of the president.


For decades,the capital scoured state dinner invitation lists and Camp David visitor logs for clues to who was in and who was out.


Former President Bill Clinton established a new class of insider with his Lincoln Bedroom sleepovers,although those usually came with an implicit price tag as he tried to raise campaign money. Former President George W Bush provided fewer opportunities for the elite to demonstrate their eliteness by virtually abandoning state dinners,but there were invitations to his Texas ranch.


Now there is President Obama’s e-mail,the first used by a commander in chief while in office. “This is the 21st-century version of the same special access that certain people are always granted to the president,” said Joel P Johnson,a senior White House adviser under Clinton.


Those select few who have Obama’s e-mail address include Rahm Emanuel,the White House chief of staff; David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett,both senior advisers; and Robert Gibbs,the press secretary. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is a frequent BlackBerry user,but a spokesman said he did not know whether she had the president’s address.


Obama joked about the exclusive nature of his e-mail list at the annual Alfalfa Club dinner in Washington on Saturday night. “How exclusive?” the president asked. “Everyone look at the person sitting on your left. Now look at the person sitting on your right. None of you have my e-mail address.”


The exclusivity is not just a matter of safeguarding the president’s scarce time or even protecting him from spam. Security personnel worry that the more available his address,the more vulnerable it may be to hacking pranksters or,worse,to cyber-attackers from,say,Russia or China.


Obama’s e-mail pals are largely keeping mum. Few openly acknowledged having the address.


The challenge for those privileged few with the address will be when to use it. What is the etiquette on sending e-mail to the president? Several friends and aides said they would hit the “reply” button but not the “new message” button — in other words,send messages only when messaged first.


“Rarely will I bother him for anything serious or nonserious,” said Alexi Giannoulias,the state treasurer of Illinois and a friend. “I figure if he needs me or wants to talk to me on any social level,he can get me very,very quickly. His friends need to have a shift in mentality. He’s no longer Barack. He’s an institution.