Anonymous ID: 5d6f6d Sept. 6, 2018, 1:08 p.m. No.2906815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6943

As we wait in anticipation for the shot heard ‘round the world, I’m thinking back to the many times I've wondered throughout my life how the colonial patriots must have felt in the days leading up to 1775’s shot heard ‘round the world.


I use to wonder what it must have felt like to summon the kind of bravery to:


…say “No more!” to an oppressive government stripping citizens of their liberty and wealth.


…to organize behind the scenes, in preparation for a revolution.


…to share information and plans in secret, working with fellow patriots to prepare for that revolution.


…to be a part of a movement to take your country out of the hands of those who do not deserve to wield such power and put that power back in the hands of The People.


I wondered if I had been alive at that time, what would my roll have been? How would it feel to carry such a deep patriotism and love for my country that I’d answer the call to join fellow patriots and fight for God and County. Could I have done it?


I found Q out of desperation. My life and my family’s life has been one of constant struggle. Though my spouse woke right after 9/11, it took me a little longer. I couldn’t wrap my head around the existence of such evil. But after years of both of us working multiple jobs and erasing nearly all debt except for a modest mortgage, ObamaCare has nearly bankrupted us. High premiums, high deductibles, and we’re still left with a mountain of medical bills and medical debt to pay. We have a stack of medical bills that is 3 feet tall. My spouse survived cancer and our child was diagnosed with a lifelong life threatening illness.


I met several times with one of my Democratic Senators and his staff, showing them the numbers and how the expense was draining us and putting us on a path to bankruptcy. He/they nodded their heads, and walked away without doing a thing.


It’s then I realized, ObamaCare was MEANT to bankrupt us, and the entire Middle Class as well. I knew instinctively, out of a deep desire to survive, that something was very wrong. ObamaCare’s brutal effect on my family was the start of my Awakening. With the lack of help from my Democratic state leaders, I started digging to find answers, and in December, fell right into the lap of the Q movement.


Once again, instinct kicked in. I knew Q was true and Q is right.


And here I am:


…saying “No more!” to an oppressive government that’s been stripping me of my liberty and wealth.


…organizing behind the scenes in preparation for a revolution.


…sharing information and studying The Plan in secret (for now) with fellow patriots to prepare for that revolution.


…being a part of a movement to take our country out of the hands of those who do not deserve to wield such power and putting that power back in the hands of The People.


I know what my roll is, without question. It feels INCREDIBLE to carry such deep patriotism and LOVE for my country, to answer that call with fellow patriots to fight for God and country.


Yes, I can do this. WE can do this. This is OUR time, this is OUR freedom, this is OUR country, for ourselves and for those who will come after us.


What a time to be alive. I’m truly in awe. And so very thankful for POTUS, Q team, General Flynn, Admiral Rogers, Seth Rich, fellow Anons, our military, and those names we are yet to learn who made this revolution possible.


I will never wonder again. Now I know exactly how those colonial patriots felt.


"Oh, say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave? O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!"


WWG1WGA!!! For God and Country, let’s DO THIS!