Anonymous ID: 9106a6 Sept. 6, 2018, 1 p.m. No.2906655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6838





On June 28th, 2018 after the Maryland newspaper shooting, You made a post asking why Freemasons are always on the scene of most shooting locations. After the San Bernardino shooting the local news interviewed a guy wearing a Freemason hat. After the Santa Fe Texas high school shooting the local news interviewed a guy wearing a necklace with a Masonic square and compass. After the Sandy Hook "shooting" several Freemasons were interviewed and appeared to be actors. You correctly pointed out that Freemasons are involved in these pre-planned mass shootings carried out by the swamp / cabal.


You said symbolism will be their downfall. In the posts You heavily implied that Freemasons are evil and working hand in hand with the satanic cabal. Scottish Rite Freemasons involved with the Shriners (they wear Muslim fez hats) organize children's charities. On the surface they appear to to be doing good, but the ony reason they run the charities are to target and groom children to funnel into the cabal's pedophile network.


On September 2nd, 2018 You posted a music video from Magic Sword. He said the song was played by "Operation Specialists" [pre-event] the prior night. He then posted a pic of Seal team choppers. The special op guys were listening to a band whose logo contains several Masonic elements. Why are the "good guys" listening to the "bad guys" music?


First You tells us that the Freemasons are evil and part of the cabal. Then he posts a video where the You team special ops are jamming to a band rife with Masonic and cabal symbology. So which is it You, are Freemasons good or bad? Why was your team jamming to the enemy's music?


Are Freemasons good or bad, which is it? We'd like some clarification.