Anonymous ID: af83e3 Sept. 6, 2018, 12:56 p.m. No.2906590   🗄️.is 🔗kun


From his analysis of the "rat lines" metadata and personalities over time, including the same methods as General Flynn, George Webb calls out Pence as the mole.

He claims Pence has a higher clearance than Trump; that Trump can not get rid of Pence - but that he could maybe remove his clearance and put him on the other side of the building.

Historically Vice - Presidents do shit.

What bothers me about this "'mole" story is that with the total surveillance of "Q" - they would know who it is.

Also, the idea there are tons of staffers saying the same thing is total psy-op BS

I agree with Carter that the intent of the op is/was to set the stage for the "25th" gaslighting of the POTUS

And didn't the Russian communists really know how to do that 'mental illness" routine on people, dissidents, whom they didn't like?

If they control the info stream, they can do it.

Since they do not anymore, I don't think it's possible.

Fear Porn

There's supposed to be an announcement around "redaction" "declass" later in the afternoon.

George also has interesting info on the Ohrs. Veddy interesting. He did some family background on them.

He does some "stream of consciousness" at the end.

He does have info on Lodestar

Danny Rothschild. Dense with info and leads.

"Only way to fight is to "declassify""

Did I get the lodestone hint right?

Anonymous ID: af83e3 Sept. 6, 2018, 1:11 p.m. No.2906849   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes, it's a throwaway line.

Being disingenuous; Yet it's possible they don't know what it actual means

[never visited a mental hospital]

So narrow, these people

On the other hand, they may never look in the mirror

[didn't want to say that, it was too easy]