Anons , Dig on 2016-, NDAA , HR 5181 ,section 501 , auth to employ ' countermeasures ' against suspected foreign propaganda.
https://www.congress. gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/5181/text
Q will be called such a ' threat '
Anons , Dig on 2016-, NDAA , HR 5181 ,section 501 , auth to employ ' countermeasures ' against suspected foreign propaganda.
https://www.congress. gov/bill/114th-congress/house-bill/5181/text
Q will be called such a ' threat '
False Flags are LEGAL ?
False Flags are Domestic LEGAL PropagandaBy now your head is probably spinning and you are, like us, sick to the core at what our elected officials are permitting to happen in our country and the world in the United States’ name.President Obama, and the powers that are behind him, weren’t kidding when he said that he would transform America. They have a motive, a means, and an opportunity to effect positive public support for any agenda items through the work of the DoD and the BBG within the boundaries of America. It doesn’t matter whether it is gun control, the Iran Deal, bombing other nations, TPP, ObamaCare, NDAA, or any agenda item, somehow he pushes it through without much resistance. And when public consent cannot be manufactured with perception management and psychological manipulation of narrative networks, Obama just writes another Executive Order, Presidential Policy Directive (PPD), Presidential Study Directives (PSD) or Presidential Policy Guidance (PPG), or whatever he wants to rename his misuse of executive authority.
NDAA + Smith - Mundt Modernization Acts.
Ya'll didnt think New Mexico was the only training area did ya ?