Anonymous ID: 6183a0 Sept. 6, 2018, 4:23 p.m. No.2909668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9854 >>0135

==WATCH=GOP Lawmakers Call on President Trump to Declassify Russia Docs==


On Wednesday, GOP lawmakers announced they would be officially asking President Trump to issue a declassification order on all Carter Page FISA docs, Bruce Ohr 302’s and other relevant Russia docs.


Representatives Lee Zeldin (R-NY), Mark Meadows (R-NC), Jim Jordan (R-OH), and Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and others gathered for a news conference on Thursday and called on President Trump to throw down his ace card and declassify all the pertinent Russia docs.


“The continued attempts to hide from the public the full account of these abuses is intolerable,” Congressman Zeldin (R-NY) said in Thursday’s presser.


“We are confident that the FISA applications will prove that the highest levels of the DOJ and FBI failed to provide the FISA court with critically important information when they requested a warrant to spy on Carter Page and others,” Zeldin continued.


Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) went down the line and torched the FBI for all of the information they withheld from the FISA court when obtaining the Carter Page warrant.

Anonymous ID: 6183a0 Sept. 6, 2018, 4:28 p.m. No.2909753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9986

Israel Evacuated Islamist Commanders From Syria Alongside White Helmets


A new report gets dirty on the details of Israeli funding and weapons shipments to 12 anti-government extremist groups in Syria. Buried in the end of the piece is the revelation that Israel helped evacuate so-called “rebel commanders” as they also flew out members of the self-proclaimed “impartial” White Helmets organization.


On August 22, Israel evacuated some 800 members of the White Helmets, a group funded by the United States, United Kingdom, Germany and other Western countries, that claims to be an impartial civil defense organization but has been accused by Syria and Russia of terrorism. Its members have been caught on video grinning wildly as a child nearby was being beheaded in addition to other atrocities, while a high-budget film about the group won the 2017 Academy Award for best documentary.


But as the White Helmets and members of their immediate families were evacuated from southern Syria as the government was liberating it from jihadists, so too were "rebel commanders" and their families, according to Foreign Policy.


Those commanders' whereabouts are unknown. For the article, Foreign Policy spoke with "more than two dozen commanders and rank-and-file" members of the groups funded and evacuated by Tel Aviv. Some people in Syria say the evacuees are in Israel, and others say they are in Jordan. "One former commander informed his subordinates that he had arrived in Turkey," the outlet reported.


The White Helmets were flown by Israel into Jordan to be resettled in the West, including Canada, Germany and the United Kingdom.


But the crux of the Foreign Policy article was Israel supplying weapons to Syrian proxies. It's been a big week for revelations on the topic. Sputnik News reported on Tuesday that the Jerusalem Post, a news organization founded in 1932 during the British Mandate of Palestine, deleted — without explanation — an article detailing a press conference in which senior members of the Israel Defense Forces came clean about their support for Islamist extremists in the Golan Heights, two thirds of which have been illegally occupied by Israel since 1967.


On Thursday, US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said it's "possible" that the US may recognize the Golan Heights as part of Israel.


According to the deleted article, Israeli officials admitted to supporting seven anti-government groups in the Golan Heights with light weapons and munitions. But a new investigative report by Foreign Policy ups the number of groups getting lethal support from Israel to 12.

Anonymous ID: 6183a0 Sept. 6, 2018, 4:40 p.m. No.2909986   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Saving their sworn enemy: Heartstopping footage shows Israeli commandos rescuing wounded men from Syrian warzone - but WHY are they risking their lives for Islamic militants?


8 December 2015


Elite Israeli troops rescue wounded Syrians from the world's worst war almost every night

They have saved more than 2,000 people since 2013, at a cost of 50 million shekels (£8.7million)

Many are enemies of Israel and some may even be fighters for groups affiliated to Al Qaeda

MailOnline embedded with Israeli commandos stationed on the border between Israel and Syria

Dramatic video filmed by MailOnline and the Israeli army shows these operations taking place

Israel says that the operation is purely humanitarian but analysts believe Israel also has strategic reasons


Under cover of darkness, an Israeli armoured car advances down the potholed road that leads to Syria. As it crests a small hill, the driver picks up the radio handset and tells his commanding officer that the border is in sight.


He kills the engine. Ten heavily-armed commandos jump out and take cover, watching for signs of ambush. Then five of them move up to the 12ft chainlink fence that marks the limit of Israeli-held territory.


On the other side, on the very edge of Syria, lies an unconscious man wrapped like a doll in a blood-drenched duvet. The commandos unlock the fence, open a section of it and drag him onto Israeli soil.


But this wounded man is not an Israeli soldier, or even an Israeli citizen. He is an Islamic militant. And his rescue forms part of an extraordinary mission that is fraught with danger and has provoked deep controversy on all sides.


MailOnline has gained unprecedented access to this secretive and hazardous operation, embedding with the commandos to obtain exclusive footage, and interviewing the medics who are obliged to treat Syrian militants, some of whom openly admit that they intend to kill Israelis. The casualty – who doesn't look older than 20 – is losing blood fast. He has been shot in the intestines and the liver, and has a deep laceration in his left ankle.


After putting him on an emergency drip, the commandos stretcher him back to the armoured car and head back to Israel.


Almost every night, Israeli troops run secret missions to save the lives of Syrian fighters, all of whom are sworn enemies of the Jewish state.


Israel insists that these treacherous nightly rescues are purely humanitarian, and that it can only hope to 'win hearts and minds' in Syria. But analysts suggest the Jewish state has in fact struck a deadly 'deal with the devil' – offering support to the Sunni militants who fight the Syrian ruler Assad in the hope of containing its arch enemies Hezbollah and Iran.


'My dream is that one day, the Red Cross will say, thanks guys, we'll take it from here, you go back to your unit and take care of injured Israelis,' said Lieutenant Colonel Itzik Malka, commander of the medical branch of the Golan Brigade.


'I am proud of what we are doing here, but it is a great burden. For every Syrian in hospital, there is one less bed for an Israeli. One day we will have to make a choice between an Israeli life and a Syrian one. When that happens it will be hard, but I have to say my first duty will be to Israelis.'



Anonymous ID: 6183a0 Sept. 6, 2018, 4:46 p.m. No.2910105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0128 >>0135

US Embassy In Baghdad's Green Zone Under Attack


It appears that a new sectarian civil war is beginning to erupt in Iraq during a sensitive government transition phase, and the United States and its local allied forces in the Baghdad government are targets.


According to early breaking reports tonight at least three mortars have struck near the US embassy's gate in the protected 'green zone' at the heart of the Iraqi capital.

Anonymous ID: 6183a0 Sept. 6, 2018, 4:50 p.m. No.2910158   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2910117 Repost




AJ is a gatekeeper and the PR department for the cabal. Like a drug dealer has to get busted so the public can find out how badass they were, the cabal and (((their))) psychopathic EGO needs to be scratched but they don't want to get busted to show off. So they control the OPPOSITION AJ.


  1. So they use AJ to brag about all the EVIL shit they've done and are doing.They never thought she'd lose so weren't concerned about getting busted.


  1. As a gatekeeper AJ keeps the awakened population away from curtain issues, Q, Israel/mossad, Leo Wanta etc…


  1. Also what (((they))) use AJ for is to make the truth community out to be crackpot conspiracy theorists, look at his rants etc…


  1. Once AJ got on shaky ground when exposed by Q, the cabal media assets came to the rescue by banning him, as pointed out by anon and eluded too by Q when your site is taken down they don't leave a convenient redirection message for users!


  1. Look at how many people (((they))) have killed to keep (((their))) shit secret, yet AJ has been outing the cabal for decades and is still free to go out in public!!!!