I think Qpost meant OUTRAGE & JUSTICE in the form of memes. We need to wake the normies by telling them to ask for JUSTICE, act OUTRAGED, be OUTRAGED that Dems have almost pulled off irreparable damage to this country.
Stages of Grief : (Grief because of what (((they))) have done to our country/money/laws/voting)
We are at the ANGER part. Word is spreading about the corruption- meme the hell out of THAT to amp it up.
Get the normies to start calling their Congressmen demanding answers.
Memes could be pictures of Senate members with phone numbers for normies (then normies can pull those for their state to circulate); memes could show pics of people OUTRAGED/mad/INDREDULOUS look on their face with an EYE catching headline like "THEY DID WHAT?" (maybe in clude 1 or 2 fisa violations at bottom or congressional #)
Once you get them riled up, they will become vocal and start doing our work for us-awakening more normies.
He knows that Q asked for OUTRAGE and JUSTICE memes.
Let's give OUTRAGE and JUSTICE memes to the normies.
Let's show OUTRAGE and JUSTICE in our memes to Q.
Let's go Anons!