Anonymous ID: 1e202f Sept. 6, 2018, 4:57 p.m. No.2910271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0416

>>2909917 PB


TO: John McCain

FROM: James M. (“Mel”) Rockefeller

RE: Your Apology to the American People

DATE: June 15, 2018


Though I am sorry for your illness, your condition suggests that you have a limited amount of time to apologize for your role in inducing this nation to wage unnecessary and unwinnable wars in the Middle East on behalf of foreign interests. I write to suggest that you invite George W . Bush to stand alongside you as both of you concede to a long-deceived global public that Israel and its lobby were the real reason we invaded Iraq.


Colleague Jeff Gates and I will be there to observe and to ask questions based on my experience in Arizona commencing in 1973, per the enclosed Introduction to The Hidden Tax on Humanity. Absent a sincere and unreserved apology, both of you are destined to go down in history as traitors to this nation—as my life experience proves beyond any reasonable doubt.


With Special Counsel Robert Mueller now turning his attention to the role that Israel played in producing the presidency of asset Donald Trump, you have only a very limited time to leave a legacy of which your family can be proud. In 2004, Dr. Glenn Olds told me that we would know the tide has turned against Israel when other nations push back against us. A confidante to my father and an adviser to four presidents (including G.H.W. Bush, a friend for 59 years), my father told Glenn about me in 1973 when the Vice Presidency was given to asset Gerald Ford who twice asked to meet with me in Arizona. I declined.


I was drawn to Arizona in 1973 by the same criminal syndicate that produced your political career confident you would perform as a classic asset during your tenure in Congress—as you did. The enclosed book, Guilt By Association (aka the “McCain book”), chronicles that fact. I am identified as John Doe.


Though I am a constituent able to prove the common source of ongoing treason, you declined to meet with me. Nor would John Kyl, Jeff Flake, David Schweikert, Krysten Sinema, Doug Ducey or Janet Napolitano who was presented a 3-volume compilation of evidence in December 2005. By her refusal to engage those facts, she proved herself an ideal candidate to enable this criminality as Secretary of Homeland Security.


If you and G.W. Bush engage me in good faith, this systemic corruption can be made transparent, its key operatives held accountable and pending wars for Greater Israel prevented. Should you ignore these facts or should staff keep them from you, the evidence will confirm you are a pathetic traitor of the most despicable sort who chose to defend a phony reputation rather than defend this nation from an enemy that you enabled.


This systemic criminality can be remedied provided you publicly concede that this ongoing duplicity traces to a common source and operates largely through assets such as Dubya and you. Acknowledge that key point and you may yet die with some semblance of dignity and honor.


I look forward to hearing from you ASAP.