Anonymous ID: 6c68ac Sept. 6, 2018, 5:12 p.m. No.2910523   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Let me just say, I think Alex Jones is a shill

but I also think Qanon is


Qanon is not good enough for the American people. Think of what it means if John Mccain really was given a deal or assisted or killed etc. It means the government covered it up, then they let a whole televised funeral take place where he was lauded and the deal was probably that the truth never comes out, otherwise why have the nice funeral ?


That's a fuck you to everyone who isn't on the inside. Qanon is defrauding you, Qanon is ok for you to continue to have this cognitivie dissonance. Qanon is fine for you to go home and end up in arguments with family members.


Qanon is not your friend