Anonymous ID: 11b0d1 Sept. 6, 2018, 6:04 p.m. No.2911432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1552



Says the exact same things as Q


Alex Jones explains how Zionist Jews did 9/11


Published by Focoist911 on Mon, 18 Jan 2010 03:37:53 GMT

Alex Jones on Sunday 17th January 2010 answers a caller, "Ashley from Dallas", about his concern of the elephant in the room being jews all over 9/11 and the New World Order and wanting to know why Alex Jones, or rather the 9/11 Truth community generally, seem to ignore the elephant in the room. Alex explains that he is trying to reach the general public and that hitting point direct like that works against the interests 9/11 Truth tmovement in exposing themo the broader general public - that listeners will make up their own minds about it soon enough once they have been exposed to the most basic facts that there is a global government take-over run by a 'New World Order", that it is hidden in plane site, that they boast about it openly and that they are not ashamed of being Zionist Jewish Supremacists who think its their destiny to rule the world and exterminate all the cows.


He does state that he knows its the most popular view that the New World Order is a Jewish Conspiracy, that everyone works that out soon enough, but that its not in his effort to defeat them by constantly attacking them directly because then it is too easy for the Jews to use their propaganda machine to slander Alex Jones as being a "Neo-Nazi" or a "White Supremacist" etc… - hence why Alex Jones calls them Nazis all the time and avoids calling them Jews.((( This is the grand chessboard.)))