Anonymous ID: ed2adb Sept. 6, 2018, 5:57 p.m. No.2911255   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q+ knew this day would come.


Because Q+ knows their HUMINT/Psyops tactics and…




POTUS is in control of the largest fucking information vacuum WW.


((they)) have already been caught.

((they)) are burning their top-shelf assets to stop this. But it is too late.


It’s going to appear bleak for POTUS as they unleash all hell. As they cut themselves and call out to their false gods…


It looked bleak for Elijah right up until GOD sent the fucking lighting and DESTROYED THEM ALL.


Read the Bible…GOD WINs.


POTUS has it ALL. We fight so the innocent can live in peace.


Stay the course—the shits about to get real.