Anonymous ID: 9d41d0 Sept. 6, 2018, 6:25 p.m. No.2911799   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1854

Thus began a sophisticated fraud that, as usual, consumed time and resources as the perps again sought to make it appear that I was the problem rather than those stalking me.[4] In November 1994, Bailey introduced me to Bob Hertz who described himself as a nephew of the founder of the Hertz rental car company. Hertz, in turn, introduced me to Jerome Corsi in a luxury suite at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas. Hertz paid the reported $15,000 per night tab for the top-end “fantasy suite.”


Corsi immediately told me that he already knew my identity because “being in the anti-terrorism business, me and my partners routinely track Rockefeller family members.” Introducing himself as creator of the B’nai B’rith Mutual Fund in Israel, Corsi proposed that we establish a similar fund in Poland relying on Pyszczuk’s contacts.[5] As usual, I gave everyone benefit of the doubt while also anticipating this could be pre-staging for yet another fraud. I could have walked away. Instead I chose to proceed because the link to Poland suggested this would provide an opportunity to profile those at the core of this ancient duplicity. My intuition proved correct. Corsi was also the first person I heard use the phrase “preparing the minds” to describe what I had been profiling, including their use of cinema to manipulate the national consciousness.


I knew that (a) roughly 90 percent of the Israeli Knesset was then composed of Polish Jews, (b) the Fall of the Wall in 1989 traced its roots to Poland when the Solidarity labor union movement emerged from the Gdansk shipyards in 1980, and (c) Polish Pope John Paul II, the first non-Italian pontiff in four centuries, was then leading one of the world’s most corrupt institutions whose origins in antiquity traced back to those I was profiling. I also knew how the fall of the Berlin Wall was used to brand actor Ronald Reagan (a friend of my Uncle Bob) as a pop culture icon who brought an end to the Evil Empire, a national narrative granted worldwide credibility by those I was profiling.


In January 1995, Corsi, Piper Jaffray broker Brad Amundson,[6] Minnesota banker Randy Schwake[7] and I traveled to Poland to meet with Pyszczuk and others to discuss the founding of a mutual fund based on the B’nai B’rith model. When it was suggested that a life insurance company finance the venture, Lloyd Wander’s name was raised as a collaborator.[8] His annuity firm had recently been acquired by Cincinatti-based Great American Life Insurance Company. Wander made the introduction that enabled us to present a proposal.[9]


In February, Corsi, myself and our partners met with key executives at Great American’s offices in Cincinatti. CEO Carl Lindner’s personal bio, posted on the American Financial Group website, describes him as “the largest non-Jewish contributor to Jewish causes in the U.S.”[10] Our group stayed in The Cincinnatian whose owner (Lindner) paid for our rooms. [See photo of us taken in front of the hotel.] It didn’t take long to confirm I was again being drawn into the fields within fields of relationships that sustain transnational organized crime.


Fields Within Fields…Within Fields of Relationship



Anonymous ID: 9d41d0 Sept. 6, 2018, 6:38 p.m. No.2912102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2145 >>2189 >>2444 >>2502

In January 1995, Corsi, Piper Jaffray broker Brad Amundson,[6] Minnesota banker Randy Schwake[7] and I traveled to Poland to meet with Pyszczuk and others to discuss the founding of a mutual fund based on the B’nai B’rith model. When it was suggested that a life insurance company finance the venture, Lloyd Wander’s name was raised as a collaborator.[8] His annuity firm had recently been acquired by Cincinatti-based Great American Life Insurance Company. Wander made the introduction that enabled us to present a proposal.[9]


The Poland Fraud Begins


In February 1995, Great American executive Gary Howell informed Corsi that this Lindner-controlled firm agreed to fund $100,000 for a March conference[24] in Warsaw to explore the founding of a B’nai B’rith-like mutual fund, including the drafting of a business plan.[25] In early March, Corsi and I along with our partners traveled to Poland to meet with Pyszczuk, Polish banks and government officials to prepare for a conference to showcase our proposal.[26]


While in Warsaw, Glenn Olds, Pyszczuk and I also met with Nicholas Rey, the U.S. Ambassador to Poland. When Glenn asked Ambassador Rey if he had any issues regarding my relationship to the Rockefeller family, he assured Glenn he did not. Ambassador Rey knew that Glenn had advised several third-generation Rockefeller brothers, including my father. He also knew that Glenn was in Poland at the request of my Uncle Laurance Rockefeller, a fact that Glenn did not divulge to me until later in our journey.[27]


As we left the embassy, the C.I.A. person staffing our briefing with Ambassador Rey began asking Glenn detailed questions about my activities in Poland. Glenn confronted him, inquiring if he was asking questions to help me or hurt me. As we left the embassy, Glenn pulled me aside and cautioned me that I should be prepared because he sensed the perps were going to make a move on me. He was correct. Soon after our meeting, Ambassador Rey contacted the Prime Minister of Poland and urged that Poland’s principal television network cancel an interview featuring Glenn and I.


That credibility-enhancing interview described what we sought to accomplish and featured film footage of Glenn visiting Poland (he has Polish ancestry) in the 1960s when he advised my father. He also described his experience as U.N. Ambassador (1969-71) when the U.S. left the gold standard. He used that personal account to explain how our model would provide other means for creating market liquidity, bypassing the current central banking system. He also described his role during the Reagan presidency in helping end communism and explained how what we proposed was the next logical step to ensure that globalized financial capital fosters healthy and sustainable communities. Had our interview aired on Polish television, the perps would not have been able to gain traction for the discrediting accounts that followed—aided by the Rockefeller family.