Anonymous ID: be044d Sept. 6, 2018, 9:16 p.m. No.2915294   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Corsi immediately told me that he already knew my identity because “being in the anti-terrorism business, me and my partners routinely track Rockefeller family members.” Introducing himself as creator of the B’nai B’rith Mutual Fund in Israel, Corsi proposed that we establish a similar fund in Poland relying on Pyszczuk’s contacts.[5] As usual, I gave everyone benefit of the doubt while also anticipating this could be pre-staging for yet another fraud. I could have walked away. Instead I chose to proceed because the link to Poland suggested this would provide an opportunity to profile those at the core of this ancient duplicity. My intuition proved correct. Corsi was also the first person I heard use the phrase “preparing the minds” to describe what I had been profiling, including their use of cinema to manipulate the national consciousness.


I knew that (a) roughly 90 percent of the Israeli Knesset was then composed of Polish Jews, (b) the Fall of the Wall in 1989 traced its roots to Poland when the Solidarity labor union movement emerged from the Gdansk shipyards in 1980, and (c) Polish Pope John Paul II, the first non-Italian pontiff in four centuries, was then leading one of the world’s most corrupt institutions whose origins in antiquity traced back to those I was profiling. I also knew how the fall of the Berlin Wall was used to brand actor Ronald Reagan (a friend of my Uncle Bob) as a pop culture icon who brought an end to the Evil Empire, a national narrative granted worldwide credibility by those I was profiling.

Anonymous ID: be044d Sept. 6, 2018, 9:17 p.m. No.2915306   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lindner proteges Milken and Keating, cost taxpayers $3.4 billion.[14] By delaying the reforms required to shut down this fraud, the “Keating 5” Senators (led by John McCain), added tens of billions more to the cost of what became a $150 billion nationwide fraud.[15]


An avowed Zionist Christian, Lindner was a political opportunist. Republican Senator Bob Dole of Kansas used Lindner’s corporate jet when he campaigned for president against Democrat Bill Clinton in 1996. Lindner donated $500,000 to Clinton’s re-election effort the day after Mickey Kantor, Clinton’s top trade official, filed a complaint against the Europeans on behalf of the Lindner-controlled Chiquita Brands International, a direct descendant of United Fruit. The business practices of United Fruit are a key reason that nations throughout Central America and the Caribbean became known as ‘banana republics’ due to their oppressive mix of foreign financial interests aligned with political dictatorships. At year-end 2003, Lindner owned 7.6 percent of Chiquita and American Financial Group 30 percent.[16]


On April 4, 2004, Vice-President Cheney joined Lindner, owner of the Cincinnati Reds, for the opening day of baseball season.[17] In March 2005, Ohio resident Lindner sponsored a nationwide fundraising tour for California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a classic political asset. Both his film and his political career were produced by those I profiled. Until he sired a child with his housekeeper while married to Kennedy in-law Maria Shriver, the “Governator” was contemplating a campaign for the U.S. Senate to succeed Diane Feinstein in a state whose politics the perps have long dominated.[18] On April 4, 2006, political asset George W. Bush, a Zionist Christian, joined Lindner for the opening day of baseball season where, as president, he threw the first ceremonial pitch.