Anonymous ID: daa629 Sept. 6, 2018, 9:19 p.m. No.2915346   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5453 >>5516

ICE Raids Dairy Farm Where Illegal Alien Accused of Killing Mollie Tibbetts Worked


The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency raided Yarrabee Farms on Thursday – the Brooklyn, Iowa dairy farm where an illegal alien worked before being charged with murdering 20-year-old college student Mollie Tibbetts.

That dairy farm where Bahena-Rivera worked, Yarrabee Farms, owns the property and trailer where the illegal alien had been living and which, allegedly, many Mexican nationals frequented, as Breitbart News reported.


Eric Lang, one of the chief executives of Yarrabee Farms, is the brother of Craig Lang, who was the president of the Iowa Farm Bureau. The Farm Bureau has chapters all over the United States, with the goal of increasing the number of low-skilled foreign workers, specifically those on H-2A visas, who are allowed to enter the country every year.

As Breitbart News reported, Eric Lang is also married to Nicole Schlinger, who runs the GOP fundraising firm Campaign Headquarters in Brooklyn, Iowa.


Later, as Breitbart News reported, Lang admitted that his farm did not use E-Verify to check the legal status of Bahena-Rivera, noting that the illegal alien used a fake or stolen photo ID and provided a fraudulent Social Security card. Federal immigration officials confirmed to Breitbart News that Bahena-Rivera is, in fact, an illegal alien.

Anonymous ID: daa629 Sept. 6, 2018, 9:28 p.m. No.2915458   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5516


moar sauce


Mattis in Afghanistan as US pushes for Taliban deal


US defence secretary Jim Mattis landed in Afghanistan on Friday adamant that a breakthrough was possible in a country where peace has eluded three US administrations over 17 years.

The Trump administration’s hopes rest on tentative signs that the Taliban might be ready to end its war in exchange for a role in government. This is despite a spate of brutal attacks that have claimed hundreds of lives in recent months, including six US soldiers this year.

“[There is] still hard fighting but right now we have more indications that reconciliation is no longer just a shimmer out there, no longer just a mirage,” Mr Mattis said ahead of his visit.

US officials have met Taliban leaders in secret this year, and the fragile Afghan government is considering what sort of deal it could strike. Mr Mattis said there was now “some framework” for talks and open lines of communication, although he would not elaborate.