Anonymous ID: 15f2ad Sept. 7, 2018, 12:57 a.m. No.2917150   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The problem with Foundations and their declared philanthropic intentions is that, for instance, Bill Gates idea of "good" may not be mine or yours. He probably believes the Georgia Guidestone commandments are "good".

When "good" is relegated to a subjective opinion, the potential for untold evil (the extermination of 90% of the global population, for instance) to hide behind a philanthropic face, is unbounded.

Unless a nation or civilisation shares a concept of objective good, anything goes. In western civilisations, founded on faith in the Creator God and Saviour revealed in the Bible and by His Holy Spirit, there used to exist a common belief that God alone is good and therefore conformity to his will and character and commandments, revealed in the flesh in and through Jesus Christ, is the only reliable, eternal, objective good, and the closer a nation gets to keeping these commandments, the more good will be that nation - objectively good.

With the concept of relative truth came the possibility of relative "good" so that now, those with the most money can impose their "good"on the rest of us. And their "good" is what God has called evil.