Anonymous ID: 1e6b38 Sept. 6, 2018, 11:09 p.m. No.2916445   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You realize that the titpix can be hidden?


That aside… You're right - when RedPilling it's best not to jump right in with the Q stuff. Most normies are scared of anything that might make them look CrAzY cOnSpIrAcY wEiRdO. They will open their mind for fact (supported fact) but once you mention Q they get that look on their face like you're going to introduce them to Kuato.


We know. Most of us have suspected this stuff (maybe not to this degree tho) and Q confirmed it. But we were already awake. They have to be awakened to the facts slowly and with facts that they can wrap their minds around before they'll be able to fathom the deepest darkest stuff. Moloch, rampant baby eating and huge elitist pedovore rings isn't the place to start. And even that may be too much for them when and if they wake up.