Anonymous ID: 4c525f Sept. 6, 2018, 11:02 p.m. No.2916411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6420 >>6423 >>6430 >>6575

Dear Q


I trust the plan and I'm excited for the show.


But I worry for my family and my friends that things will go wrong.


You said yourself that this has never been attempted in the history of the world.


If this is all true, we're talking about the baddest, meanest, coldest bastards that have walked the earth. We're talking about a cabal that has ruled the world for generations if not forever.


We're talking about people who were about to nuke cities and launch us into nuclear war and cull us down to size.


I worry about their contingency plans.


I don't think they're just gonna lay down and take it. They no doubt have their own dead man switches.


Are we safe? I had this sudden feeling of dread tonight that I feel like death is around the corner. For everyone I know.