Anonymous ID: 7e0a24 Sept. 6, 2018, 11:03 p.m. No.2916414   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Ty again, and sleep well baker



You bet man. Ty for all you do for us. I keep pushing my return to full-time workfagging back bcโ€ฆ well. We all get it. Once you go full truth, it's hard to go back to putting on a brave face and a zipped lip.


Any Aspiring bakers around? If you wanna bake this bread or next,

night breads are slow and comfy. Just lemme know, I'll spot you, answer needed questions, stay out of your way, whatever you want. Baking rocks. Hard to walk away from tbh.

Anonymous ID: 7e0a24 Sept. 6, 2018, 11:37 p.m. No.2916676   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6730


>what a diabolical fucker Sid Blumenthal

Dude makes my skin crawl. (((typical)))

Hey I was gonna repost this so I can include in this bread's notes, but when I went to WL link the blumenthal posts weren't apparent, and I don't think I have the time to keep digging it. Would you remind reposting lb's text and maybe a cap of the relevenant email(s)? Or maybe OP can do that?

Ty, baker

Anonymous ID: 7e0a24 Sept. 6, 2018, 11:57 p.m. No.2916803   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Anti-tinderpost right dere



>I have yet to rally bake

Not that hard, just sorta fast-moving bread. But rarely any digs cuz mostly we're talking about the rally, so that makes notes gathering easier. Hardest part is wanting just to be anon and listen/shitpost along w/everyone else. No one wants to be lifeguard when the pool party gets fun kek.

Anonymous ID: 7e0a24 Sept. 7, 2018, 12:12 a.m. No.2916879   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6889 >>6929 >>6937


>im not here to research "that ass" lol

The truth is, you are here bc of the ppl that created this site, and the culture of sites like it that came before it, in particular /pol/. Q came to us, not the other way around. You don't just walk into someone's house and start complaining or asking for a vote to move their furniture around, you enter as a guest. We're happy to have guests, but a takeover not so much. We have bewbs bc men founded the site and men are motivated by bewbs. If you are more comfy researching Q where there aren't bewbs, go to one of the many sites that agree with you, and go with our blessing. We'll still keep doing what we do our way and wish you well doing what you do in your way. Plenty of room for all styles of MAGA.

Anonymous ID: 7e0a24 Sept. 7, 2018, 12:21 a.m. No.2916924   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>6945 >>6985 >>7091


Ty anon


>>2916335 (lb)

Reposted below


So I did a search in HRC's e mails for Alex Jonesโ€ฆ4 e mails popped up (the no subject draft e mails) from Sydney Blumenthal. In them it talks about a plan to expose OBL's death pictures at the same time the BHO birth certificate scandal was happening.


For: Hillary


From: Sid


Re: OBL photos


Yes, there is a Third Wayโ€”on the Bin Laden photos. Show them to members of Congress in a


special secure room, something like when members were permitted to view Abu Ghraib pictures.


Here are the reasons: Having the members file through will provide testimony to the President's


feat. They will be not only be acknowledging but also enhancing his power. They will in effect


become liegemen bowing before him, but not in any way they will resent or will protest. They


will serve as witnesseto the magnitude of what he has done. Each of them will emerge speaking


to the national and local press on what they have seen. Their words will be descriptive, but they


will not be equivalent to graphic images that could be circulated themselves and have


mischievous consequences. Having the whole Congress see the photos would have these likely


impacts as well: The far right wing Tea Party Republicans would by their mere presence admit to


the President's status above them and to his effectiveness. There would also be a salutary effect


at the beginning of the negotiations on the debt ceiling. It would curb the ability of the


Republicans to appeal to partisan sentiment and indulge in partisan rhetoric, giving the


administration more edge. Having members of Congress testify to the reality of the photos will


suppress any potential "Deather" movement, that the administration has either fabricated the


event or suppressed some aspect of it. (See below for article on the emergence of the "Deather"


movement.) This event should be staged over two or three days, occupying most of a work week,


and continuing to dominate the public and congressional mind. Don't let the photos serve as


trophies; instead take the Congress as trophy using the photos.


Perhaps the NSC communications operation could have done more turning an absolute triumph


into a PR fiasco. But I don't quite know how. Kudos to Denis McDonough


Go to the e mail link to read more about the conspiracy theories with AJ

Anonymous ID: 7e0a24 Sept. 7, 2018, 12:24 a.m. No.2916945   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Basket of deNotables

Still gathering stuff later in bread.

Lemme know feels of +/-


>>2916924, >>2916730 Sid Blumenthal emails found in WL/HRC search of "Alex Jones"

>>2916615, >>2916652, >>2916670 Is Brenden Dilley twatting NYT Op-ed source is Jane Lucas?

>>2916598 GermanArchiveAnon update: #3667 to #3688 added

>>2916580, >>2916667 Merkel Agrees With (aka "Toes the line for") Putin on Idlib

>>2916448 1995 pic of Corsi/Poland photo ppl: Randy Schwake, Mel Rockefeller, Marek Lis, Corsi

>>2916398, >>2916682 Q proof using/exposing AJ: Using their own disinfo against them? Priceless

>>2916385 Dig on Ned Price's father Martin Lewis Price, made his money founding "Royal Optical"

>>2916352 Holy Hypocrisy: Priests at Trump Rally are politicizing, but Anti-gun rallies okay

>>2916348, >>2916494, >>2916601 Anon's on-the-ground report on Parkland shooting: staged?

>>2916341 Moar on Flannelboi's rose: "The Symbol of Socialism" from dem left blog



Kek. Although it would be entertaining to watch the muh bewbs concernfags try tho.

Anonymous ID: 7e0a24 Sept. 7, 2018, 12:48 a.m. No.2917091   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


>>2916997, >>2917089 DSA twatter claims "making an appearance" at Billings w/Flannelboi pic

>>2916809 2 moar planes quarantined for "flu-like symptoms," Philadelphia. Fr Paris & Munich

>>2916766, >>2916771, >>2916778, >>2916783, >>2916788, >>2916793, >>2916796, >>2916859, >>2916866, >>2916871, >>2916874 Digg on AJ and his atty, leads to Waller

>>2916757, >>2916825, >>2916839, >>2916870 RallyAnon says asked by USSS to remove Q shirts

>>2916924, >>2916730 Sid Blumenthal emails found in WL/HRC search of "Alex Jones"

>>2916615, >>2916652, >>2916670 Is Brenden Dilley twatting NYT Op-ed source is Jane Lucas?

>>2916598 GermanArchiveAnon update: #3667 to #3688 added

>>2916580, >>2916667 Merkel Agrees With (aka "Toes the line for") Putin on Idlib

>>2916448 1995 pic of Corsi/Poland photo ppl: Randy Schwake, Mel Rockefeller, Marek Lis, Corsi

>>2916398, >>2916682 Q proof using/exposing AJ: Using their own disinfo against them? Priceless

>>2916385 Dig on Ned Price's father Martin Lewis Price, made his money founding "Royal Optical"

>>2916352 Holy Hypocrisy: Priests at Trump Rally are politicizing, but Anti-gun rallies okay

>>2916348, >>2916494, >>2916601 Anon's on-the-ground report on Parkland, WA shooting: staged?

>>2916341 Moar on Flannelboi's rose: "The Symbol of Socialism" from dem left blog