Anonymous ID: 99c4e4 Sept. 6, 2018, 11:25 p.m. No.2916583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6590


Disagree on the affiliates answer. They are attacking Q bc Q is a THREAT to (((them))). Q exposes AJ, Corsi, Stone and the like, as the fake paytriots they are. They may also be going to prison for treason. Working for a foreign govt to subvert the U.S. Whoopsies!

Anonymous ID: 99c4e4 Sept. 6, 2018, 11:32 p.m. No.2916634   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"We are saving Israel for last"


Does "last" begin with Corsi and Jones? What a fuckin AMAZING and SURREAL timeline if true.

Anonymous ID: 99c4e4 Sept. 6, 2018, 11:41 p.m. No.2916711   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So Graham was clearly a comped puppet whose strings were cut.


If No Name was taken out first, than it means he had a very powerful position within the cabal, which makes sense bc he was evil enough to do ANYTHING for power. A complete narcissist. Targeting him first would definitely send a message. One that clearly has everyone else losing their minds.


I'm blocked from twatter. Can anyone see if No Name twatted around the time POTUS left for NK meeting? May have been his last shot at survival.