Anonymous ID: 53f314 Sept. 7, 2018, 2:27 a.m. No.2917569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7581 >>7587 >>7592 >>7610 >>7655 >>7772 >>7797 >>7994


The original and real Alex Jones was replaced. the sauce/ with forensic evidence of photographs and logic on that was taken down and also erased from the Internets archives

Once things settle down it's sure to surface again.

The takaway is this:

The original Alex Jones was a real threat and was younger. The two don't really look or talk the same, if you study it.

No one knows what happened to the original

It's similar to the outline of the Bush replacement story. No one really knows for sure what happened to the original Bush family - which traces to colonial days. The Scherff replacements are from Germany 20th. c.

It's not that difficult to catch this "Jones - Hicks" in a lie since he's a pathological liar.

For one thing, they claim Bill Hicks was buried in the backyard of his parent's house. That house is supposedly also where the comedian died. So , isn't that against the law? To bury a family member in your back yard. No funeral?

There are people who claim to know the Hicks family and vouch they are "nice people"' And that their son really died.

But we know from a whole list of data points, that is not true.

There is a time in the transition period where they tried out another "Jones" but that actor didn't make the cut, apparently and then they settled on Bill Hicks.

So the ~ illustrious ancestry of the real Alex Jones doesn't belong to the impostor.

Unless you study the photos the switches will be below your threshold of recognition?

Anonymous ID: 53f314 Sept. 7, 2018, 2:47 a.m. No.2917655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7730




Wow. I never really thought the two : Hicks and Jones looked alike. Others think they do. I always thought it was done with massive plastic surgery, which has to be true since the teeth supposedly match. And the logic of all the data points.

"Father's" a dentist so should have the teeth records?

And when "Jones" made his confession on air [meant to be taken ironically, but actually truthful, very satanic mirroring involved] he said that "Hicks" was an act too.

I count 4 "Alex Jones?"

How many "Hicks"?

He is one scary dude, no doubt.

Anonymous ID: 53f314 Sept. 7, 2018, 3:25 a.m. No.2917944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7969

Holy shit. He's doing the "Captain Jones" schtick again.

Captain Jones of the Mayflower has no known descendants. He sailed back to England and died. His widow and children moved. No one knows them . It's not recorded.

What an expert liar / BS artist.

It's a pathological condition for him.


One can catch him reading from the teleprompter.

Expert Propagandist.

Glad I stopped listening to him when I figured from his "fruits" around 9/11 research that he was a Fraud.

There's a million tells around this guy. But he's so convincing.

Anonymous ID: 53f314 Sept. 7, 2018, 3:34 a.m. No.2917994   🗄️.is 🔗kun



yes. Apparently the present "Jones" is an impostor. And his ID before he took on the role was of comedian Bill Hicks. It's a photo of Hicks to the right in that image.


His handlers pay him to be a jerk. That's the point. Mixing honey with poison. He doesn't want to be "free" - what a strange assumption.He did it all for money and for a large audience.

Per the note from "Q" about the Mueller interview with Randy Credico today?

And how that might relate with "Jones"?

Credico is another ringer.

How do I know?

Same as how I knew about Jones many years ago by now, they both are blocking 9/11 truth - but with different techniques.

Credico calls 9/11 researchers "conspiracy theorists"

How could he be an activist / researchers in NYC all these years, have access to the Internets, and still be that deluded?

He can't.

He also denied Assange was an Intel asset of some kind.. [How could Assange not be? Everything he leaked was of benefit to his faction? Until maybe now? He was turned? I don't know. But to think he's just an ordinary guy? ]

So "Q" brought up the idea of "What if?" Somehow Credico implicates Jones in "being a foreign agent?"

Well , apparently "Jones" is that.

I'm not skilled enough to work out what the repercussions of that might be.

Propaganda for a foreign enemy?

State of War?

Maybe "Jones" is in hot water? I hope so.

I thought about Credico and how easy it would be to walk into a trap set by Mueller.

Why would you even do that?

If you didn't answer the subpoena, what then?/

Could you get in front of a judge and claim Mueller had no jurisdiction?

So far Credico and Stone contradict each other. So if Mueller gets another witness on either side, one or the other of them, Stone or Credico, could be charged with perjury

These so-called "Special Councils / Prosecutors [I learned the difference yesterday listening in to the Congressional hearing for K.'s appointment] they love the perjury trap. Starr cock - hunter did the same thing. That's all they've got when they plan to continue the "investigation" indefinitely, with unlimited financing - and there's no real case.