Corsi read conservativetreehouse - he didn't predict anything, he just doesn't credit other people's work
Corsi read conservativetreehouse - he didn't predict anything, he just doesn't credit other people's work
funny how everyone knows about fakenews, yet they assume that nothing is happening Because they're not hearing about it on fakenews.
Things are happening every day - read info put out by govt agencies like DOJ, FBI vault, updates on the Treasury website. A LOT is happening
The revolution will not be televised
was referring to literal teevee - they broadcast agitation, but they never cover actual News anymore. It's all "opinion" - even cspan interrupts House/Senate coverage with their 'opinion' shows that promote the liberal agenda
I've been waiting 20+ years for what is rolling out now - another year or two is nothing as long as the job gets done, and done right
jeezus you're dumb - maybe you just need sleep
It's nice to think abt dems imploding in 2018 midterms, but there are a lot of Rs who are "retiring" too - we need candidates, and we need to be careful that the Uniparty doesn't bring in a whole new set of fuckwads who will vote against Trump and cause the same problem we have now