Anonymous ID: 05501a Sept. 7, 2018, 7:04 a.m. No.2919135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9168 >>9237 >>9284 >>9442


Alex normalizing transporn?

But yeah, lots of Mossad assets were let loose (began disinfo campaigns, giving 80% truth but spiking the ball at the one yard line when their script led followers to ponder the JQ) to try to get ahead of the Great Awakening (the first act was the Podesta emails, then PizzaGate, then Pedowood etc..) to steer eyes off the Jews, all or most Jews themselves or jew sympathizers.

George Webb

David Seaman

Jason Goodman

Laura Loomer

Lee Stranahan

Jack Posobiec

Mike Cernovitch

Alex Jones

Jerome Corsi

and many others, but if you zoom out, you begin seeing the pattern emerge.

Almost all are working for the Rotties, either directly, or by proxy..On the fence about Lionel right now,,

Anonymous ID: 05501a Sept. 7, 2018, 7:11 a.m. No.2919207   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Those lyrics- so prophetic!

What happened to Ozzy?

Sold out to Satan?

Like so many others?

220 page free ebook^^ MUST READ, Will shatter your illusions about the Hippy movement & music in that era

Anonymous ID: 05501a Sept. 7, 2018, 7:37 a.m. No.2919507   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There are multiple sides to Mossad's operations to keep the world in a state of fear, war and confusion

Nazism (the ebil naziz are like a Jewish wizard of Oz, making the Jew an eternal victim)

Islam & all its terror subgroups are ALL Israeli creations.

The supposedly emancipated US of A still essentially a slave of the UK Royals, as the US military forces were always used by Cabal to fight wars as "good guys" but in reality all wars were fought for the Elites, who fund both sides in ALL conflict & fake intel was used to start ME mil campaigns to stomp out greater Israel's enemies to further NWO ZOG ambitions

Hence the London Banking sector (financial part of Pyramid profits from the armed conflicts involving Allies like NATO & Umbrella group UN Sec Council (military part of Pyramid) & the Vatican (Spiritual part of Pyramid)continually peddles out its Spiritual warfare