Anonymous ID: 7d83b2 Sept. 7, 2018, 7:37 a.m. No.2919499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9570

>>2918316 lb re Netflix


Out of all the media companies, NFLX is operated in a very unique way. It's financials are in any case.

Familiar with the insider sales as that is no surprise.


nothing too unique about that as every company is designed to enrich the owners through stock options and buybacks. NFLX CEO is a cash printing (for himself) MACHINE. "Reed" Hastings has lived very well on the backs of his workers and ability to never have to pay off ANY content acquisition charges.


They have always had a different set of rules.


With the recent, confirmed, revelations of just how these media /tech co's were really being funded it is an interesting fact that NFLX has never monitized it's brand name. You never see branded items such as hats, shirts etc.


"reed" (not his real name btw) has stated that his morality would not allow him to monitize his loyal customer base. Nice story and feels good, to them, to hoist that steaming pile of shit onto the public. However ask yourself these questions about NFLX:


-Never monitized it's WW brand image (hats, sunglasses, "crap"

-Has claimed over many years that it does not sell it's customer data. Sure…

-Has the unique financial ability to make deals in the billions of $'s to acquire content and never actually show a trail of having made payments on these liabilty's. In fact, a large portion of it's debt is magically off the books. At last count it was hovering around $30b

-Has, as a company and individual, been a large benefactor to Cal dem party and "reed" has injected himself into the crafting and implementation of Cal State k-12 teaching standards.


These are all public knowledge and plenty of sauce available.


How does NFLX get a free pass on just about everything it does? Black money and connections.


NFLX was hated in it's infancy as any disruptive tech or business is. From my knowledge the very first short position was taken by Kynikos (Chanos) and after all these years of being 'wrong' I believe that original position is still active. Papered over and over by the cheap money available to everyone. Why wouldn't you?

Seems NFLX caries 5x (or more) it's stated debt load with a declining subscriber acquisition growth rate as well. They stopped reporting its SAC or Subscriber Acquisition Cost years ago as it was in the $30 range for each sub in about 2008.


NFLX is about the only company that has not been picked apart by any of this up to this point. A few things here and there, i.e.


My point with this is when you look at the BOD as well as the above information is it not obvious who controls this operation?

The term "Vapor-ware" does not even come close to describing how this company's finances are put together. It's a disservice to the term Vapor.

If you look up Hastings background it's fairly benign however it's not very clear who his father is other than a name. Reed is not his first name that's for sure. Do not know if that is important or not.

BTW has there ever been a more over-the-top corporate headquarters such as this?



I get the whole put on a display and earning something but FFS they are not curing cancer or saving lives. It's just shity movies!!!