Anonymous ID: a65de8 Sept. 7, 2018, 6:33 a.m. No.2918882   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8920 >>8951 >>8998 >>9104 >>9194 >>9330 >>9338 >>9354 >>9401 >>9457 >>9465 >>9512 >>9589 >>9592

Anons SEEM to hang to Q's every word, unless it is inconvenient. For example, WWG1WGA, this does not say "Where We Go Republican, We Go All". How many times has Q said this is about unity? This is not limited to unity among one another, this is about national unity. Stop making fun of 'libtards' and start inviting them to join you. Stop being assholes to 'newfags'. Build bridges instead of burning them. If Trump and Q are going to win in November, we need voters, not alienation. We want to RECRUIT new people, not piss them off. We can make America great again, but it takes a nation, not a party. You may not like the 'opposition', their ideas, or what they stand for, but engaging in productive conversation is much more effective than being digital bullies. Stop calling pretty girls ugly like most of you could do any better. Stop calling for violence. Think practical. Plan for if there is no plan. Plan for your life after the plan. Dig. Meme. Do anything besides run around the internet and act like a dumbfuck. I guess I should take my own advice. May your journey be fruitful. By the way, your comms will never make it in the mainstream. If you like your 'jobs' and want 'jobs' in the future, I suggest you consider the impact this movement has had and the future responsibility of these boards. You may be an egotistical 8chan/4chan prick, but the world doesn't have time for it. Grow up. I know things are done certain ways for certain reasons, but I think we should all consider where this is all going….