Anonymous ID: b5f4a9 Sept. 7, 2018, 6:54 a.m. No.2919054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9066 >>9111

Few Vanderbilt bits and bobs. I started off looking at the dice from the cross … that relates to the Instruments of the passion - .


Not about that but found a few pics from a vogue shoot - haven't seen them on the board but maybe already posted.


pic 1 Anderson gets the red shoes

pic 2,3,4 Has Carter got an M on his shirt? Made me think of M from 1931 that was being spammed on the board a while ago.

5 Just a random creepy family pic


Also Gloria Vanderbilt was involved in a high profile custody case in 1934.


'''The opening of the trial in the "Matter of Vanderbilt" October 1, 1934, was jammed with more than 100 reporters, who dubbed it the "trial of the century," and with countless spectators. They heard nurse Keislich testify that she had seen Prince Langenburg and Mrs. Vanderbilt in bed together reading "vile" books. A chauffeur testified about Gloria Morgan Vanderbilt's several lovers. A French maid testified that she had found Lady Milford Haven at Mrs. Vanderbilt's bedside and "kissing her just like a lover." Judge Carew, who later admitted that until then he thought he had heard everything, immediately closed the courtroom to press and public.


Anonymous ID: b5f4a9 Sept. 7, 2018, 7:42 a.m. No.2919564   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Something educational to put on in the background …


All about the masons - how they lay CORNERstones (not KEY) at all major US buildings. Senators doing it as well. All blessed with Corn, Oil and Wine. The masonic bible that GWB + others were sworn in with. It is long - I just had it on in the background. Worth a look.


Also at work so no sound… but I swear at some point the music playing in the background is the wedding recommendation from Q.