>americans invented facism
erm, no… not even close
Even Americans can learn (and should know absolutely basic) history - common core obviously has done its job!!
>can't learn much here unless your upper class who have access to that knowledge
bullshit that is a dumb excuse - you are on the internet right now, nothing is stopping you from learning anything, and there is an abundance of open-source material on the subject
Was it a guest post of Sundance? Sundance is usually on the ball and very politely (brutally) honest and well-read.
1- not taling about "every poor American"
talking about YOU
YOU have the ability & opportunity to learn and you do what? Are you or will you take advantage of the information readily available to you to learn?
2- don't count people out because they are "poor"
3- don't assume "poor" people don't learn or want to learn
4- don't speak for "poor" people
t. poorfag who loves learning
the origin of the conversation/exchange was about HISTORY and a specific point/place/group in time
your pilpul is weak
I keep learning
That would be beautiful and poetic!
>Guess people we'll just have to wait until REAL history is taught.
That's the point - we have access to the information NOW, no one is keeping us from looking it up and learning, how hard is this to understand?
It takes effort, time & patience - the information is out there, accessible, available.
I think you are talking about his attendance at an event in Denmark - it was an article on the threads yesterday (daytime)