Half of me wants to watch Obama speech, but half doesnt want his muslim brotherhood ass on my tv
Do we know why he was removed? (yes democrat, I get it, not clapping or showing emotion) but do we know the actual reason yet?
fuck him then, he can GTFO of this great country
This was a notable 2 days ago
Hmmmm. Hoping it leads to trafficking disclosure or something
Its gotta be a chess move….. that leads up to kidnapping or trafficking or something. Theres no way Candace could have been a plant all this time
He doesnt look scared
Broward County!
Anons, this is a chess move. Candace is going somewhere with this one :)
Good actor bc psychopath, and also the severity of him instilling a sense of confidence in democrats to win midterms has never been a higher priority (life and death)
I laughed when he said the Republicans fear monger. Dems literally do that on a daily basis
Trust the plan, glowing shill