Dang, clockfag, they must have had this thing ready to go Waaaaaaaaaaay in advance. They have a big timeline for the big picture items.
Perfect. Don't fire him, but investigate the crap out of him. Look at the way the guy reacts to pressure:very very badly. This is generally the case with effeminate men: the way they act under pressure does not impress real men, or any women. Let the worm squirm.
This is "the Onion" kinda stuff, no?
coo coo cachoo
Pence is definitely one of the bad guys, but he is not the op-ed writer. He's too smart for that. The operation may be to get us to circle the wagons around Pence before the takedown.
When Flynn marches out of the courthouse, not merely a free man, but a hero, what is Pence (and his hissy fit over Flynn's pedolist) going to do?