Anonymous ID: 0091bb Sept. 7, 2018, 9:46 a.m. No.2921199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1507 >>1537


I think EVEN now this is why (((they))) have to keep their plans secret. Because if the rank and file of the Masons. Even the Masons found out about their leadership they would hunt and kill them themselves.


Which is what is happening with the MI and Navy Intelligence and the Military as a whole. The Military as a group began passing around to each other that 9/11 and before that Iraq and before that Vietnam and before that Korea were fake wars to make money for Elitist families. And the Military planned this revolution for decades. We can not lose because it is world wide. Military men from all around the world have seen the videos of the elite of the world sacrificing and torturing and fucking kids. Infants even. And they have vowed blood oaths to the death they are coming for these niggers…..every one of them.


The normies figured it out. They were not as smart as they thought they were.


Games up.

Anonymous ID: 0091bb Sept. 7, 2018, 9:56 a.m. No.2921340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1356

Are the Rosicrucians a Talmudic Jewish Psyop from the early 1600's? As a clever Jewish trick to get naive and well meaning Christian men who were rightfully unhappy with the Divine Right of Kings and all that Tyranical shit?


Could the Jews have made the whole movement up out of thin air using the Talmud and the Kabballah as inspiration?


Is the whole Rosicrucian movement a trick to get the Christian Goy to work for the beniefit of Jews?


And that is all it is ?


A cult from the middle ages thought up as a way to make the Jews money and power and they wouldnt have to work at all for it?

Anonymous ID: 0091bb Sept. 7, 2018, 10:10 a.m. No.2921570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1784


There is a theory out there that I heard that as a part of going all in on the Luciferian movement that to be allowed to clime to positions of real power you have to allow yourself to be infected with a deadly virus like HIV or something similar and they will give the the drugs to easily counter act the disease if you continue to do exactly as the leadership wants.


It must be kind of hard to organize a group of shitheads whose top trait is to look out for old number one first and always no matter what oaths you swear to. Your in a cult of thieves and kid rapist. You would steal from your own mother. I assume keeping these idiots all working for the same common goals you need some prod.


Dying of a nasty disease that was self inflicted is just one of their many ways to control each other.


Like herding cats or something.

Anonymous ID: 0091bb Sept. 7, 2018, 10:22 a.m. No.2921746   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It brings up questions of free will. Did these idiots ever have free will or were they destroyed and put back together as basically a human meat puppet?


At some point even victims have to exercise their disernment powers and fight the programming.


Like the lady who went to the CIA headquarters with a gun in a bag but couldnt speak to the guard and ended up writing notes to the CIA guard her surrender. She was likely MKultra and sent there to create some false flag drama and she fought it as best she could.


Even victims have to fight. With everything they have.


Maybe this means we spare their lives and isolate them and give them mental help?


Could be.