Facebook chooses Singapore for $1bn data centre
1 Billion / Coincidence with Q?
Facebook chooses Singapore for $1bn data centre
1 Billion / Coincidence with Q?
>Since you are the defacto leader of this group of
>anons it would be great if you learned how to pronounce
>the word "anonymous."
There are a lot of people talking about "anonymous"
Anonymous NYT Opinion writer…
POTUS doesn't pronounce "anonymous" properly
Yep, anonymous is being mentioned often…
Coincidence I am sure
>Leave Jack P alone damnit! Or else… hahaha what a Fuking derp
Posobiec has his friends/fellow Mossad associates defend him because he is a pussy
Remember, he had his buddy Ali do that periscope threatening to shut down Q and to warn everyone to leave poor little Jackie alone