Maybe the black dude will fight the orange dude in some sort of homosexual complacent dominance in this asshole edition. #doubleoval
If we thrust the negro cock with the soylent orange in thd same asshole
It's not gay till the balls touch
If we slop some space ham and christfagging some cia branding maybe they won't notice the brainwashing
Isolated fluffers and feltcher cronys of the double oval ceremony will be angry since exposure goes against their sexual obedience to the tranny master in the media
Crack heads and serial killers and dead shit making a homosexual gestapi king fuck for a orange zombie and some negro stunt cock .
Orange zombie sex slaves for a necromancy pedogarchy superlative homosexual distraction of the gestapi zersetzung
With black stunt cock for the trannys in msm
MAybe all the homos can cram their pecker in the same asshole