Anonymous ID: c06cb2 Sept. 7, 2018, 10:40 a.m. No.2921986   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2213 >>2585

Barack Obama Trashes Trump – Takes Credit For Trump’s Booming Economy (VIDEO)


Barack Obama crawled out of his hole Friday and trashed President Trump–calling him out by name, then took credit for the booming economy.


Obama gave a speech at the University of Illinois Friday and arrogantly took credit for Trump’s booming economy.


Barack Obama couldn’t even run a lemonade stand; he is the only president in history to never see a single year of 3.0% GDP growth yet here he is with a smug look on his face giving himself credit for Trump’s accomplishments.


Obama also called out Trump by his name.


“It did not start with Donald Trump. He is a symptom, not the cause. He is just capitalizing on resentments that politicians have been fanning for years,” Obama said.


Obama then whined about not getting credit for the Trump boom.


“When you hear about how great the economy is doing right now, let’s just remember when this recovery started.”


Here are the real numbers…


The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) announced its August jobs report Friday morning. Unemployment is down to 3.9%, while more people are employed in the US than at any time in history. But the big news is that this century, since the year 2000, more than 20% of all job increases have occurred during the Trump years.


The US GDP for the second quarter accelerated to a whopping 4.1% under the leadership of President Donald Trump.


This is another BIG Trump win.

This doubles the first quarter growth of 2.2%


Atlanta Fed projects a 3rd Quarter GDP of 4.6%!


This is Trump’s economy. Go crawl back into your hole, Obama.

Anonymous ID: c06cb2 Sept. 7, 2018, 10:41 a.m. No.2921995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2021 >>2572





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Anonymous ID: c06cb2 Sept. 7, 2018, 10:43 a.m. No.2922023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2270 >>2585

"Issue Of National Security": Trump Demands Sessions Investigate Anonymous Op-Ed, Looking At Legal Action


President Trump on Friday said that he wants Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate who wrote an anonymous Op-Ed in the New York Times critical of his administration, as a matter of national security


Speaking to reporters on board Air Force One, the President also mentioned possibility of legal action against the Times, which published the Op-Ed claiming to be from "part of the resistance inside the Trump administration."


During a Thursday night campaign rally event in Billings, Trump called on the Times to publish the name of the author "at once."


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: The so-called resistance is angry because their horrible ideas have been rejected by the American people, and it's driving them crazy. Crazy. They're the ones, honestly, that have been driven crazy.


The latest act of resistance is the op-ed published in the failing New York Times by an anonymous – really an anonymous, gutless coward. You just look. He was – nobody knows who the hell he is, or she, although they put he, but probably that's a little disguise. That means it's she.


But for the sake of our national security, the New York Times should publish his name at once. I think their reporters should go and investigate who it is. That would actually be a good scoop.




That would be a good scoop. Unelected deep state operatives who defy the voters to push their own secret agendas are truly a threat to democracy itself. And I was so heartened when I looked


Trump added: "I think it's backfired. Seriously. People that don't exactly dig us and they don't exactly like me, they're fighting for us. It's an incredible – it's actually a beautiful thing. We picked up a lot of support, because at some point this whole thing is going to be exposed. And it's really bad, and it's really dangerous, and it's really sad for the media and the mainstream media. It really is sad."


To that end, Pulitzer Prize winning co-founder of The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, called the author of the op-ed a "coward" whose ideological issues "voters didn't ratify."


Greenwald continues; "The irony in the op-ed from the NYT's anonymous WH coward is glaring and massive: s/he accuses Trump of being "anti-democratic" while boasting of membership in an unelected cabal that covertly imposes their own ideology with zero democratic accountability, mandate or transparency."

Anonymous ID: c06cb2 Sept. 7, 2018, 10:45 a.m. No.2922049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2084 >>2354 >>2585

Bayer beware: US lawyers claim to have ‘explosive’ documents about Monsanto's activity in Europe


Bayer-owned agrochemical giant Monsanto, which has recently been ordered to pay a groundskeeper $289 million in damages over Roundup’s alleged cancer link, may be facing many more legal fights soon.


Lawyers involved in the California lawsuit against the firm claim they have revealing documents about Monsanto and its affairs in Europe.


“What we have is the tip of the iceberg. And in fact we have documents now in our possession, several hundreds of documents, that have not been declassified and some of those are explosive,” US lawyer Robert Jr. Kennedy was cited as saying by Euronews.


According to Kennedy, many of those documents “are pertinent to what Monsanto did here in Europe. And that's just the beginning."


The number of lawsuits against Monsanto has surged from 5,200 to 8,000 since the California court’s $289-million verdict. In June, a San Francisco jury found Monsanto liable for a school groundskeeper’s lymphoma that he said developed after years of using Roundup weed killer.


Experts say the case may cost Monsanto’s new owner Bayer billions of dollars in damages in the coming years.


“They (lawyers) are fighting a fight for more democracy and for transparency and to get a better insight into how big corporations such as Monsanto act and try to manipulate the facts,” said Belgian politician and Green MEP Bart Staes.


The European Union may reportedly withdraw the license for Roundup this year. The herbicide’s registration was extended for five years until 2022, instead of the usual 15 years.


Roundup’s active ingredient glyphosate is the most popular weed killer in the United States. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maintains glyphosate is not likely to be carcinogenic.


EPA labeled glyphosate a carcinogen in 1985, but reversed its position in 1991. The World Health Organization’s cancer research agency classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans” in 2015. California has listed glyphosate in its Proposition 65 registry of chemicals known to cause cancer.

Anonymous ID: c06cb2 Sept. 7, 2018, 10:46 a.m. No.2922069   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US ambassador to Israel says US should recognise Israel’s right to the Golan


The United States ambassador to Israel David Friedman has said Washington should consider recognising the Golan Heights as part of Israel without returning its sovereignty to Syria.


In an interview with Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom Friedman said: “Personally, I can not imagine a situation in which the Golan Heights is returned to Syria. Frankly, I can not imagine a situation in which the Golan Heights will not be part of Israel forever.”


Friedman’s remarks contradict US National Security Advisor, John Bolton, who said last month that Washington’s policy with regard to not recognising Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights “has not changed”.


However, since the US recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moved its embassy from Tel Aviv Israeli hopes have grown for US recognition of their sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights.


The Israeli army occupied the strategic Golan Heights in the 1967 war. The United Nations considers Golan an occupied territory and does not recognise Israel’s sovereignty over it.


Related Articles:

Thursday, August 23, 2018 - Netanyahu urges US to recognise Israel’s right to Golan


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today said that he would not back down on his demand that the US recognise Israel’s right to the occupied Golan Heights. “I will not give up our expectation that the United States recognise Israeli sovereignty over Golan,” he said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: c06cb2 Sept. 7, 2018, 10:47 a.m. No.2922096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2233

Russia Tells US to Brace for a Russian-Syrian Offensive in US-Occupied Southern Syria


The US claims a 55-kilometer "exclusion" zone around its al-Tanf base in southern Syria where Syrian and Russian soldiers are not supposed to enter


While most of the Syrian War is centered at this point around the Idlib Province, the last major rebel bastion, there is also interest in mopping up some of the smaller rebel positions along the Jordan border, especially where ISIS and al-Qaeda are concerned.


This is a raising a dangerous risk of a confrontation between the US and Russia, because Russia and Syria are very keen to chase some of the Islamists off the border in the near future, and Russia has informed them some of these Islamists are relatively close to US military positions in the area.


The US has long been fine with Islamists on the Jordan border, and is warning Russia against taking any action against them, saying the US would view it as a “challenge” and that they would not hesitate to respond militarily if there is any move into the area.


This is all near the US base at al-Tanf, on the corner between Syria, Jordan, and Iraq. The US has long demanded everyone stay away from this base, except rebels of course. The Pentagon is insisting they have the “right of self-defense” to keep their troops in this part of Syria, despite Syria never having allowed them to enter in the first place, and the offensive being aimed at al-Qaeda forces nearby, not the US troops.


The US has long taken this bellicose posture regarding Tanf and other bases around Syria, and in the past has attacked Syrian troops and Russian military contractors for getting too close. With Russia’s military directly involved and giving the US advanced warning, clearly a US attack won’t be taken the same way as those past incidents.


This is likely to be a long-term source of tensions in southeastern Syria, as the US shows no sign of leaving Tanf, and has no real military goals for the troops there, beyond being there to pick fights with other troops that happen by.

Anonymous ID: c06cb2 Sept. 7, 2018, 10:50 a.m. No.2922141   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pushilin Becomes Acting Head Of DPR As Military Tensions Grow In Eastern Ukraine


Speaker of the Parliament of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) Denis Pushilin was appounted an acting head of the republic under decision of the DPR Parliament on September 7. A majority of the members of parliament supported the decision. Additionally, the DPR Parliament designated November 11 as the date for the election of a head of the DPR to replace Pushilin.


From the assasination of DPR Head Alexander Zakharchenko on August 31 to September 6, Dmitry Trapeznikov served as DPR Acting Head.


The appointment of Pushilin comes amid the growing military tensions in eastern Ukraine. After Zakharchenko’s killing, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said the attack was “a Ukrainian provocation…obviously aimed at derailing the implementation of the Minsk agreements.”


Meanwhile, according to the DPR military, the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) are actively concentrating troops and military equipment along the contact line with the DPR and the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR). One of the main areas of the UAF deployment is the countryside of Mariupol. The DPR military says that chances that the UAF will carry out an attack on the republics in the near future [in middle September] are growing.


Another factor contributing to the possible escalation is the ucpoming presidential election in Ukraine [scheduled on March 31, 2019]. The current Ukrainian president, Petr Poroshenko, and his government have suffered multiple political and economic setbacks since the previous election, which took place on May 25, 2014. According to exprts, the only thing allowing Poroshenko to remain in the power is smoldering conflict in the eastern part of the country and the Western financial support to Ukraine received under this pretext. So, it can be expected that the Poroshenko regime will make an attempt to escalate situation to remain in the power.

Anonymous ID: c06cb2 Sept. 7, 2018, 10:53 a.m. No.2922182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2585

Former Facebook Security Exec Says Elections Can Still Be Disrupted


Facebook has been at the center of national discourse around potential election meddling by foreign entities ever since the 2016 presidential election. The behemoth social network has taken several measures to improve the situation ahead of the upcoming November midterm elections, but former security chief Alex Stamos told TechCrunch that there is still a long way to go in regards to election security.


Stamos offered his thoughts on the current state of cybersecurity at TechCrunch’s Disrupt event in San Francisco on Thursday. In his mind, the midterm elections still have not been properly secured, and the possibility of chaos is still very much in play.


“There have been positive changes, but overall security of campaigns [is] not that much better, and the actual election infrastructure isn’t much better,” Stamos told TechCrunch.


Stamos did not necessarily think foreign hackers would use technology to change votes and directly affect the outcomes of elections. Rather, he said they could introduce an element of uncertainty potent enough to make large portions of the electorate lose faith in the United States’s democratic systems.


Facebook, for its part, has taken some steps throughout 2018 to try and prevent the kinds of misinformation campaigns that rocked the site in 2016. For example, users who manage sufficiently large pages now have to verify their identities and prove that they reside in the country they claim to live in.


Some pages with large followings had been directly connected to sinister campaigns by Facebook. The site recently announced it had identified and shut down dozens of pages, some of which had hundreds of thousands of followers, for posting misleading and divisive political content. Facebook said they could have been connected to the alleged Russian hacking effort from 2016.


Stamos did applaud efforts by social networks to increase ad transparency. Both Facebook and Twitter have introduced policies in recent months to show users exactly who paid for any political ad they see. The general public now has access to granular data about political ads on their news feeds, which may help thwart attempts to sow chaos.


Stamos had been at Facebook as a security executive since 2015 when he left his post in August. He is now an adjunct professor at Stanford and studies cybersecurity.

Anonymous ID: c06cb2 Sept. 7, 2018, 10:55 a.m. No.2922216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2525

US-Canada Trade Talks Grind On, But 'Final' Issues Unresolved


WASHINGTON - U.S. and Canadian negotiators pushed ahead in grinding talks to rescue the North American Free Trade Agreement on Thursday, but a few stubborn issues stood in the way of a deal, including dairy quotas, protection for Canadian media companies, and how to resolve future trade disputes.


A U.S. source familiar with the discussions in Washington said it was still unclear whether the two sides could bridge the gaps or whether President Donald Trump will opt for a Mexico-only bilateral trade deal.


"We’re down to three issues: Chapter 19, the cultural issues and dairy. We’ve created leverage and driven Canada to the table," the source said. "Part of our problem is that Canada has been backsliding on its commitments (on dairy)."


NAFTA's Chapter 19 governs how disputes are resolved.


Trump has set a deadline for a deal this week, prompting aides to U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland to work well into the evening on Thursday to find ways to move forward.


Bloomberg News cited a Canadian government official as saying that a deal was not expected to be reached this week.


"We are making good progress," Freeland told reporters following a short meeting with Lighthizer at the USTR offices on Thursday evening.


She repeated her earlier statements that the day's discussions were "constructive and productive" amid an atmosphere of "goodwill on both sides."


She declined to discuss specific issues under negotiation but said talks would resume on Friday.


The Republican chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee, Kevin Brady, a powerful voice in Congress on trade, told reporters that differences remained between the two sides over Canada's dairy quota regime, a trade dispute resolution settlement procedure and "other longstanding issues."


The Trump administration charges that Canada discriminates against U.S. dairy exports. It also wants to end the Chapter 19 arbitration panels for resolving disputes over anti-dumping tariffs, something Canada has used to defend its lumber exports to the United States, despite U.S. charges that Canadian lumber is unfairly subsidized.


"They are continuing to push toward a conclusion of that agreement. A lot depends on the seriousness of Canada in resolving these final disputes," Brady told reporters after speaking with Lighthizer earlier on Thursday. "My sense is that everyone is at the table with the intention of working these last, always difficult issues out."


The third unresolved issue is Canada's insistence that previous NAFTA cultural exemptions protecting its publishing and media companies from being acquired by American companies be preserved. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau this week said this was important to Canada's national sovereignty and identity.

Anonymous ID: c06cb2 Sept. 7, 2018, 11:09 a.m. No.2922387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2420 >>2585



FBI Director Christopher Wray and September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya Held Public Forum on Benefits for Federal Law Enforcement Officers Who Responded on 9/11 and Now Suffer 9/11-Related Illnesses

Anonymous ID: c06cb2 Sept. 7, 2018, 11:11 a.m. No.2922433   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2449 >>2474 >>2585

US, UK law enforcement sign proclamation against female genital mutilation/cutting


Both nations host “week of action” focused on outreach on the topic


WASHINGTON — Law enforcement officials from the United States and the United Kingdom wrapped up Friday a “week of action” during which they conducted outreach at major international airports with the goal of education about and prevention of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). This outreach, called “Operation Limelight”, was conducted at four international airports in the U.S. – John F. Kennedy International Airport, Newark Liberty International Airport, Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, and Los Angeles International Airport – and at Heathrow Airport and train stations throughout the UK.


On August 30, law enforcement from the two nations also gathered at the U.S. embassy in London to sign a proclamation affirming their commitment to end the practice of FGM/C in both countries and around the world. The proclamation reads, in part:


“Female genital mutilation/cutting is a global issue that transcends our borders. FGM/C is a culturally-based, gender-specific form of violence and when performed on girls under the age of 18, it is child abuse. The top priorities of the U.K. and U.S. are safeguarding girls through prevention, multi-agency partnership and education. These efforts require that we learn and share our experiences and cooperate through both our informal and formal engagements. Through existing police to police and mutual assistance agreements and arrangements, the U.S. and U.K. law enforcement intend to share intelligence to enhance our knowledge of, and response to female genital mutilation. This collaboration seeks to build our intelligence capacity to identify those involved in perpetrating or facilitating FGM/C offences whilst safeguarding potential victims.”


Signatories of the proclamation include representatives from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, London Metropolitan Police Service, UK National Police Chiefs Council, UK Border Force, UK Crown Prosecution Service, and British Transport Police.

Anonymous ID: c06cb2 Sept. 7, 2018, 11:21 a.m. No.2922573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2654

‘Mealy-mouthed’ Police Chief Skewered for Refusing to Say Radical Islamic Terrorism is ‘Islam-inspired’


UKIP London Assembly member Peter Whittle raked Britain’s top police officer Cressida Dick over the coals for her “mealy-mouthed” description of radical Islamic terrorists as “so-called Islamist-inspired”.


Intervening in the London Assembly questions and answers session as there was some suggestion in the chamber that the English Defence League street protest organisation founded — but now abandoned — by Tommy Robinson might be a terrorist outfit, Mr Whitte said: “Whether you agreee with them or not, and I don’t, if you start talking about people like the EDL in terms of terrorism, I think you’re on to a real problem… You’ve got to be careful when you start saying people are terrorists.”


Mr Whittle used this intervention as a launchpad to question the use of terminology by the establishment and, in particular, Commissioner Dick herself, asking: “You’re talking about ‘right-wing’ groups… ‘extreme right-wing’, you have no problem saying that — but then you go on to say ‘so-called Islamist-inspired’. Why are you mealy-mouthed?”


“The guy who, for example, last year, ran into Westminster and killed what, five people with his car, was very clear: he was waging jihad. Most of these people have been very, very clear — why do you have to say ‘so-called Islamists’?” he demanded.


The Metropolitan Police chief, flustered, attempted to justify herself in terms of mollifying certain groups: “I think as a senior police officer it’s important for me, obviously, not to be mealy-mouthed, but equally not to randomly upset people who might get upset,” she said — not quite able to bring herself to say who these people may be.


“The majority of people carrying out terrorist attacks, 90 percent are Islam-inspired. We might not like it, you might not like to say it, but it is the case — why do you say things like ‘so-called Islamists’? You’re the Commissioner,” Whittle fired back.


“Because, I… Chair, I really don’t think we should get into a long conversation about this, not least because you want to push on,” the policewoman spluttered, appealing to the chairman to save her, without immediate success.


“Because, I, ha… In the name of Islam is very different from Islamist for a start. We could get into a really long semantic conversation here, Peter,” she said to the UKIP assembly member, somewhat unintelligibly.