Is this a joke from the Onion?
"JUST IN: University of Illinois awards the 'Paul H. Douglas Award for Ethics in Government' to former president Barack Obama, who used the IRS and criminal justice system to target his political opponents"
Is this a joke from the Onion?
"JUST IN: University of Illinois awards the 'Paul H. Douglas Award for Ethics in Government' to former president Barack Obama, who used the IRS and criminal justice system to target his political opponents"
The cult of Obama on full display today.
Jonestown? These brainwashed zombies that worship Obama have no individual thoughts.
Missed this earlier. This is a week to remember!
>Desperate people do desperate things. It is during this period of time that surveillance pays off. When does a BIRD sing? Q
Sun Tzu's maxim about appearing weak when you are strong allowed the deep state to make drastic errors over the last year.