Anonymous ID: b7b251 Sept. 7, 2018, 12:57 p.m. No.2923748   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They could have been put backstage, somewhere safe & out of view.


In previous bread, anon wondered if POTUS' "struggle" with anonymous might have been a shout-out. SIAP and FWIW, listening to how he drug out the "missss" on each "attempt", odds are probably very high that the failing NYT person is a female.

Anonymiss from Urban Dictionary:

A female who posts anonymously to internet message boards, typically associated with the popular 4chan image board /b/.

Anonymiss is a direct opposition to the male dominated group of "anons" who overtake /b/. The main focus of anonymiss is to show that girls are on the internets too and boys should expect them.

Jim: Girls on my interwebz?!?

Jack: Uh oh, it's an anonymiss!